Fuel (The Future)

Discussion in 'General Automotive Discussion' started by XDM45, Sep 5, 2015.

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  1. XDM45 Vet Zone Founding Member

    I guess this means no more warm showers in the middle of the night?
    Blt4dtuff likes this.
  2. Campspringsjohn Founding Member

    Damn, this thread sure took an unexpected turn,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    XDM45 likes this.
  3. clux Article Contributor Founding Member

    Cellulosic process is what's needed to make "biomass" ethanol feasible so those two are really the same thing. As far as I know only one commercial biomass production plain in the country (Upton WY) but their process will work even on solid municipal waste (garbage). I've never heard if it's actually economically feasible without government assistance.

    The best system in the world is obviously the previously mentioned sugarcane in Brazil. They make ethanol from the sugar, power the plant by burning bagasse (the cellulose remaining after the cane's been pressed) and the only fertilizer applied back to the field is the bagasse ash. Sugarcane is a perennial so it doesn't have to be planted every year. Pretty damn impressively efficient system.

    You nutless vagina.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2015
  4. XDM45 Vet Zone Founding Member

    Yeah. Keith woke up.....flew into a 'roid rage.....spit and called me a bunch of names........then told me I need to seek help because of my rage issues.......

    I don't know if that's funny.......or just plain sad.
  5. XDM45 Vet Zone Founding Member

    I was trying to read up on the switch grass option after John mentioned it........that term was painted all over the narrative. Now I suppose I'll have to study up on that term itself.........:)

    Haven't even gotten into the refining/distribution issue with more widespread biofuel use. My knee-jerk opinion? 'Everywhere' is better....instead of just a few ginormous refineries clustered in certain areas (like with oil).

    And yeah......there would likely have to be a huge 'public' infusion (read taxpayer money) into the infrastructure......Don't see why it couldn't EVENTUALLY be self-sufficient.

    But how much military spending is related to oil?

    On edit, the 'Brazil' model was a work in progress. They started (with the Brazil junta) after the -73 embargo......fits and starts and stumbles for some 30 years.........Got REALLY efficient and self-sustaining the last 5 or 10 years.
  6. clux Article Contributor Founding Member

    The funniest part is when the dickless wonder gets butthurt after you prove his position is ridiculous, he then insists that unless you can come up with an equally ridiculous alternate plan you aren't contributing. Like this is some kind of competition to see who can defend the stupidest idea..................

    How am I doing keeping with the thread spirit?:)
  7. Campspringsjohn Founding Member

    Bdox educated me on Switchgrass as a viable option. Very little is required to get it started, comes back every year, and will grow in dry climates.

    Speaking for myself, I do not have a vagina. But when it gets really cold outside,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  8. KW5413 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    I figured you like ''GOLDEN'' showers... ;)
  9. KW5413 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    Damn... you ARE thick headed.... :banghead:anim
  10. XDM45 Vet Zone Founding Member

    I just messaged you to try to maybe keep some of this off the thread. Maybe you can fill me in there on what I didn't understand about that post.
  11. KW5413 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    It was a parody Steve, pure and simple. For the most part, using labels you have placed on others...with a little sugar on top. :) It is what you sound (read) like sometimes when people don't post to your liking. You attack their character, comments, links to documentation and at the simplest level are just dumb, even strongly suggesting that they are stupid, and / or idiots...at least in that moment.

    I originally considered the strategic placement of smilies throughout the post but, didn't want to diminish the view...so to speak.

    So I just figured I would throw that out there to see if you would get it. But, it was predictable that you would take it personal, yet, you fain being shocked when others take offense to your like comments. The difference, in my post is, it is pretty much concentrated into one post...but, you get the drift.

    I really don't think that you are a mean spirited person but, you seem to enjoy the persona. Even now, you are not going to get it. 'Cause you am who you am and it is what it is.

    If you want to take it personally then that is your business. But, don't think for a minute that when do these things your target isn't taking it personally.
  12. clux Article Contributor Founding Member

    Fermented fresh squeezed Steve, distilled to about 160 proof, I'd say.:happy: (trying to stay on topic here)
    I know I get my feelbadders hurt all the time around here.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2015
  13. XDM45 Vet Zone Founding Member

    Pansy-ass, spoiled punk-ass brat, stupid lame-ass piss-hard on? That kind of 'sugar'?

    I'm positive by now that this is how you take it...........

    C'mon.....let it all out. Don't hold that resentment inside......

    But of course when your buddies question my links to documentation or can be perceived to be showing the same thought-processes of my character....that's OK? Never heard you call out anyone who's done it either. Just when I do it?

    Oh.....that's right. I'm the only one who does it..........I forgot. My bad. :rolleyes:

    Why diminish what you clearly think is true?

    And if you were just trying to do 'parody', perhaps a single smilie at the end would have done the trick.

    If I had thrown that same post at you to 'see if you would get it'........would you? Be honest.

    But this paragraph is really showing where you're coming from. You expected me to not get it (so.....you were just trying to piss me off, huh?)........I 'feign' offense when others take offense?

    Oh. I'm getting the drift alright.

    I'm not really an a-hole.....I just like acting like one?

    And of course I'm not going to get it...............

    Tell you what, Keith. Take your patronizing attitude and shove it someplace dark and moist.......

    Yeah......You made it personal.......So I'm taking it personal. And apparently it's everyone's business now since you chose not to answer my PM and decided to explain it all here.

    Did you ever stop to think......For one single second.....that perhaps the reason I maybe amp-up my game a little with you........or Ken......or clux.......is because you guys are almost always part of a tag team? Against me? No.....that's not resentment. That's just reality. I deal with it...and it's mostly entertaining.....and I'm usually the guy who throws out the topics and has to defend them.......but when you constantly get hit by two people at once (at least) who are feeding off each other and ganging up on one guy (me)......and making their own smart-ass comments.......what the Hell do you think is going to happen? A 'shot' maybe every now and then?

    You don't know me. At all. And vice-versa, I'm sure. Let's just be happy with that.
  14. KW5413 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    In the infamous words of you...

    ''Get over it.''
  15. clux Article Contributor Founding Member

    Nobody wants to tag team with a flaming butthole like me.:(
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