Veterans Zone 2nd & 4th Amendment

Discussion in 'Veterans Zone' started by F350-6, May 3, 2015.

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  1. F350-6 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    Seems like the story might actually have some legs to it.

    Basically, VA asks through form letter or office visit if you'd like to get a mental health screening to see if you're eligible for more benefits. Or perhaps they call and ask questions on the phone. Turns out that mental health screening is being used to limit your 2nd and 4th amendment rights. Mostly 2nd amendment for now.

    More reading

    And this one that talks about the right to keep and bear arms that says

    If anyone asks you how you're feeling, or mails you a form asking if you want more benefits, I'd be suspicious.
    FTZ Peggy and KW5413 like this.
  2. kjvforme Vet Zone Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Thanks for posting this.
  3. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    So - if anyone calls and asks if I like violent video games I should just say:

    "What's a video game???"
  4. XDM45 Vet Zone Founding Member

    Hmmmm. Makes me think.

    A couple of years ago, they snuck in the question "Has this person served in the military including Guard or Reserve?" in our crime reporting (KB-COPS) system...........

    I finally got around to asking one of the admins why that question is relevant......and I was given some meandering answer about making sure vets aren't getting in trouble......or are receiving the help they need.....and blah, blah, blah.........

    I never ask the people that status. I opt for the 'unknown' answer in the answer blank......

    OK. Now my suspicion feelers are REALLY humming.......
  5. kjvforme Vet Zone Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Most vets are gun owners and trained.
  6. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

  7. F350-6 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    Ken, your article is from Feb 2013. One of the links I posted in the original post, from the same site, was dated April 2015.

    The debunked hoax looks like it's getting updated to more truth than fiction.
  8. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    I stand corrected.

    But let me pose a question... this is devil's advocate question, as I am a gun owner myself....

    If someone is mentally incapable to the point where they cannot manage issues concerning their VA benefits, is that person competent enough to have a firearm?
  9. XDM45 Vet Zone Founding Member

    Yes. Absolutely.

    "Mentally incapable" is a loaded way to put it........

    Why don't you just say anyone who can't properly manage their financial affairs can't own a gun?

    Managing issues concerning their VA benefits means dealing with a government bureaucracy too. And I don't really see what one has to do with the other.
  10. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    I agree. I don't have a problem with someone who is truly deemed seriously mentally ill not having access to a gun, vet or otherwise The problems:

    1. Who determines who is mentally ill?
    2. What is the criteria?
    3. Why is there no due process here?
    4. What level of mental illness qualifies? Depression? Hardly, that would be most people at one point or another in their life.

    Those are a few. The whole issue is riddled with landmines.
    XDM45 likes this.
  11. F350-6 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    Doctors who specialize in mental health. They are the ones who are against this since 1) they want to treat and hopefully cure the individual instead of punishing them, and 2) no one would tell the doctor anything if they thought it meant they would lose their guns, so part one goes out the window.

    That's why so many of the NICS denial list for mental health have been veterans. Government doctors and government records.
    XDM45 likes this.
  12. XDM45 Vet Zone Founding Member

    Bottom line.........

    The Patriot Act has destroyed the concept and practice of Doctor-Patient confidentiality??? And of (Ken said it) 'Due Process'?????

    In case anyone's wondering, I used to support it (the Patriot Act). I think it should be abolished wholesale now. Not necessarily because it's evil on it's face.....and that there's nothing good in it.......but because evil men (and women) have been using parts of it as an excuse to go way beyond the bounds of what it's actually permitting the Government to do. For example, the NSA domestic spying program.

    That would be like Ken or Chris sending me a written invitation to come into their home and enjoy dinner with them........and me emptying their pantries and loading up my truck and saying I was authorized to do so........(I don't know how much they keep in their my truck may not actually be 'loaded'........:)).

    Anyway. Like with immigration. Total abolition of the original law.............then start over. Hell.......the ACA too, for that matter (ObamaCare).
    Greywolf likes this.
  13. macman_85602

    If a peron is deemed Mentally incompetent by a PUBLIC court then yes i can see them not having weapons of any kind, but to just be thrown on a list is unconstitutional and immoral.

    Before WWII the fist think Hitler did was to disarm the people. At that point you no longer have a million plus person "lion" but millions of toothless "sheep" who as we know were sent to slaughter.

    Now my paranoid view is that History is cyclical and is now coming back around First you disarm the trained people first then everybody else. Now nobody has any clue what to do when the constitution is suspended and our rights completly taken away.

    Animal farm and "1984" are already happening kids are spying on there parents friends are watching there friends if a person is seen with views that are "not normal" then they are concitered subversives or terrorists.

    If you are white and don't like the president you are racist. If you own guns then you are a "gun nut"

    There are always people who want control and will do anything they can to get it.

    Enough of my ramblings.

    Campspringsjohn likes this.
  14. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    A little correction on the history. A decade and a half before Hitler was in power the German government put in laws disarming the people in the aftermath of WWI. Gun laws were relaxed in 1928, but required registration. The Nazi's came into power in 1933. Hitler's regime further relaxed gun control laws for the general population in 1938.

    Hitler was still extremely popular in 1938 at the start of the war, he had full support of the people going into war, he didn't need to disarm them to accomplish it, nor to get into and hold power early on.

    The Nazi's took guns away from the Jews in 1938 under a separate act.
  15. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    Steve makes one hella point though - a mental health screening request, is that or is it not a confidential medical record?
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