Veterans Zone 7 th Fleetreview

Discussion in 'Veterans Zone' started by mete, Aug 23, 2017.

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  1. mete

  2. mete

    #5 , Sadly it continues !
  3. mete

  4. F350-6 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    Haven't seen too many details on this last one, but technically, coming into contact with a tugboat is kind of normal in certain areas. And seeing how tugboats typically just operate in areas semi close to the shore where one might need tugboat assistance, this story has me wondering if this is really as big a deal as the last ones.
  5. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    Over twelve years ago I knew that larger ships (notably carriers) have so many nav aids it's amazing - from depth and channel maps to GPS and radar that are all plotted on the bridge displays. The only way I think a modern QM could run into anything is if they were overwhelmed or confused by all of the info they had on their surroundings.

    I also don't see how bad ship handling can reflect on the fleet commander unless it was a basic policy that caused all of these to happen.

    Since most if not all ship-handling procedures are set in stone from decades of development, this seems more like a local command failure in training and communications.

    That's still a lot of accidents/mishaps in a short time though, and that does look seriously odd

    Mainly GMC's, (Guided Missile Cruisers) as if there was something that the most advanced computers and fire control radar Etc... just didn't spot in time, which is real hard to swallow! if I were conspiracy minded it might lead me to think that they were being targeted by hacking attempts.

    ~It makes more sense to me than a Captain being careless with his entire career
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2017
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