Veterans Zone A question: Veterans of Allied Nations

Discussion in 'Veterans Zone' started by Greywolf, Jun 23, 2015.

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  1. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    Aussies, Deutche, UK, Canada, and others.

    Should they not also be welcome here to be counted amongst us? Ford trucks are found all over the world, and so are fellow veterans who have served on our side...

    Your thoughts, please
  2. F350-6 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    Well seeings how we get to make the rules....

    Personally I would only welcome vets from Allied nations. Not that most of our enemies have enough freedom on the internet to come to places like this to begin with, but you never know.

    Then we've got the gray areas like our old foes the Russkies.
  3. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    WHO should we say is a veteran? Who will join us here?

    A BRIT...

    Did we serve our nations or did we not, and had we things in common????

    It becomes the question that we served because freedom was the object.


    Isn't a "SPETZNAZ" a veteran in it's own way, much like our own special forces?

    There are considerations here that are questionable indeed

    Who do we talk to? And yet - what we talk about here is publicly viewed anyway
    Russia can read what we write just the same as Montana
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2015
  4. XDM45 Vet Zone Founding Member

    I say "Yes".....
  5. Fabman In Memoriam Vet Zone Staff Alumni Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    All Vet's should be allowed...
    CarlS likes this.
  6. Theo Vet Zone

  7. F350-6 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    Including ISIS vets?
  8. Fabman In Memoriam Vet Zone Staff Alumni Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Not hardly................ How about all ALLIED Vets?
    CarlS and F350-6 like this.
  9. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    A question arises concerning hostility.

    Israel, China (mainland), FRANCE...

    I recall an intell brief that put it bluntly that Israel was a clearing house for intelligence secrets, and though China is outwardly our "Economic Partner" there is great concern as to the leopards spots - so to speak. Put bluntly:

    "EVERYTHING is for sale, my friend. Everything - if I had a sister I would sell her in a second"
    (Quote from the game 'SKYRIM')

    Who are our partners, and whom not? Who should be welcomed and whom not? That's a far reaching and intriguing notion.
    In the aftermath of Desert Storm, a huge amount of captured military hardware was found to have been manufactured in Germany and France. And of course there were the scud's and their platforms...

    Now, granted these were old tech, and some clearing out might have been third party. The USSR is no longer a corporate entity as such, and then you have north and south Korea in the balance.

    What of Japan? It was a Japanese company/Corporation that sold the multiple axis milling technology that was behind modern submarine propellors to China.

    We have close ties to Thailand (no pun intended) and still to the Phillipines, where several American corporations have moved their headquarters to- at least "nominally" (*for TAX purposes, presumably)

    We sold a flock of F-5's to Singapore

    What of India? Vietnam?

    And then there is the entire pan-Asian co-op, a group stabilising influence.

    But it is also true that WE as troops - DO NOT make policy. That is not our job, nor would I for one care for such a position.

    I would vote Australia, Britain, and Canada into the fellowship without question.

    I have met several Russians, and our joint scientific efforts have worked out wonderfully, but who is to say if we are ready to truly clasp hands? I don't honestly know.

    And South America is a stew pot...

    If we move in this direction, we should consider carefully what exactly it is that we are talking about - it would mean that we are aware that what we write here is seen all around the world, but who we are as servants of our nations is not the same as setting policy or determining the futures of nations.

    We are simply ourselves; Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen

    SO, Ladies and Gentlemen... Who shall we include?

    Given that what we say here is viewed by all, and that for the most part it be a given that hostiles to the majority be excluded (?) - or should we simply welcome all provided that PROPAGANDA be grounds for dismissal...

    I note that this IS an American website. It is reasonable I think that friends of America belong here with us.

    I can see a group vote in the near future, and it seems to me that individual nations vets might be voted in by poll(s)

    On that note - I would like to propose a poll to include veterans of:
    and Canada

    Who says "AYE"?

    ~Study that well, this is an important move. I will post such a poll if there are three "AYE'S"

    The motion is on the table now to include veterans of three brother nations.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2015
  10. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    My vote would go for "Allied Forces" to include France, Germany and Israel.

    As far as equipment discovered after Desert Storm, a bunch of that was supplied by us as well, including AK 47's. Remember prior to Desert Storm Sadam was a good buddy - as long as he was engaging the Iranians.
    Should we exclude us? Iran still has what is left of the F-14's and the P3F's that we sold them....

    Don't want to get into a political argument but Uncle Ho and his minions does not get my vote and the people from North of the 38th North parallel would not be in any group I would associate with.
  11. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    Appreciated and good points.

    Anyone else?
  12. CarlS Vet Zone Canadian Chapter

    I agree and I would add New Zealand. The Kiwis are good troops.
  13. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    Australia, Germany, Great Britain, France, Israel, New Zealand, Austria is a no-brainer since California has already had an Austrian Governator...

    Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland?

    In the nineties I recall being on deployment for a large training scenario in the pacific which included Canadian, Australian, and Japanese forces. Somehow I don't think there are any Japanese Vets who own Fords though.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2015
  14. CarlS Vet Zone Canadian Chapter

    I vote yes for the above. I have never trained or served with troops Denmark, Sweden or Finland. They guys a I met from Norway were fine.
  15. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Now that I have had a few hours sleep and time to get my head cleared from my little trip to the VA Hospital yesterday, I need to throw a "monkey wrench" at what could be a train wreck looking for a place to happen.

    I think we are getting just a little carried away here.

    IMHO, I think this is something that should be probably addressed at a later time, a time when we have a number of members/veterans from other countries who may voice an interest in inclusions in a veterans group. Essentially what is happening now is an attempt to put together a list, be it for personal reasons or politics, that will include some, exclude others and perhaps cause some hurt feelings that may or may not affect membership throughout the entire Ford Truck Zone.

    Just a suggestion for all of us to slow down, smell the flowers and take in the scenery and current camaraderie.
    FTZ HAIC likes this.
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