Back-up camera

Discussion in '2015 - 2020 Ford F150 Truck Forum' started by mete, May 8, 2018.

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  1. mete

    Apparently this month , May 2018 , ALL new vehicles are required to have back-up cameras . So my new F-150 , coming soon, will have one which it should have !
  2. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Cool when timing works in your favor like that.
  3. mete

    Ok .I'll have a camera but where's my truck ? I understand the F-150 line is working again !
    Sorry but am still recovering from the tornado we had here on TUE. Phone and power just back .It passed about 5 miles north of me. Tornadoes in mountains are very rare , still don't have all the facts. Needed special off road power co trucks to go through the forests . This in the Catskill Mtns of NY ..
    Love those emergency crews !!! :)
  4. mete

  5. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    ~ next thing you know a law will be passed requiring onboard IFF to identify the vehicle to authorities.

    Remember the Blues Brothers, Elwood, and "SCMODS" ?

    Welcome to the modern world...

    Wasn't it just twenty years ago that a video screen or any such distraction was not allowed in the drivers view?
  6. mete

    Well it's sitting here .I have seat work to get done got the 4 bolts out but how do you take apart the connecters ?? I've never seen connecters like that and I don't want to break anything especially those thin wires [ 22 gage ? ] Rube Goldberg is not dead ! :eek:
  7. JWC 3 TOTM Winner Founding Member

    Post a pick of the connection, I'll try and help.
  8. mete

    I gave up on the other photo system and haven't joined Imgur yet . Could I email you ? Thanks
  9. JWC 3 TOTM Winner Founding Member

    Ok. Or text.
  10. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    Mete, all you have to do is put the pictures in your computer.

    then when you want to post them, look unr ther the box where you post your reply, you see upload a file. click that, it will pop up a box, youclick where the photos are, then the photos you want to upload

    Once the photos load, there will be a tiny box with your picture. click ull image, and then click post reply, your picture posts, no outside host needed
    JWC 3 likes this.
  11. mete

    I thought this would be a nice calm day to photograph but for one thing my tonneau is coming today ! But it's not coming here so it's mixed up. I'll work at it . Thanks .
  12. mete

    Stumped again ! The fotos are in the computer. Found them in DCIM under Recent Places. then to Dis E, then to 101-MSDCF. Then , for one DSC01566. That's as far as it will go ???
  13. JWC 3 TOTM Winner Founding Member

    You lost me there ....
  14. mete

    I used a reader to take photos from camera to computer [ Acuvar ] . but that doesn't stay in the computer ! Now let's try again !

    DSC01565.JPG #ad

    DSC01566.JPG #ad

    DSC01564.JPG #ad

    DSC01547.JPG #ad
  15. mete

    It works ??? 01564, new DiamondBack cover for the new truck. 01565 , 01566 the main problem .I think I can take the seat out if I can open that connecter.
    01547 that's mysterious metallurgy - Widmanstatten lines , only for metallurgists !
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