Veterans Zone Chance Encounters

Discussion in 'Veterans Zone' started by Greywolf, Jun 3, 2015.

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  1. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    I was walking down my road to a nearby dollar store - and a slick looking Chevy Silverado came down the road. It passed me, and then turned around. (it's a dead end road)

    So I flagged the driver down, and we talked. First I complemented him on his truck - which was beautiful. Say what you like, a fine truck is a wonderful thing.

    Turns out he was a Master Chief, new to the area, and I said:
    "Dang shame it ain't a FORD" - but he said he had one, just that it was in Florida and had an electrical problem...

    Well, you know what happened then. "You got something to write on?"

    I imagine I looked very disreputable...

    But I told him what I could on short notice. Who knows? We may have someone new coming to join us, so I hope.

    WHAT DO WE SAY when we meet somebody out of the blue like that?

    I told him about BKW (Number Dummy) and that many of us have been doing FORD TRUCK for years - that what the manuals say and what people who have done it are different (I think)

    *Go by the manuals and you will take EVERYTHING apart. Go by common sense, and you will only take apart what you have to... It makes it simpler

    I told him that we have not only got people who have worked on Fords, but also people who have worked FOR FORD

    And I gave him our web address, also being sure to mention that we have a special part of the forum for VETERANS.

    I hope he checks us out....

    And I told him that I was called Greywolf here, a retired AT1(AW) INST

    What is the best way to put it, when you meet a fellow VET out on the street like that?
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
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