Veterans Zone Dammit. Navy and DOD brass rolled over for sex and money.

Discussion in 'Veterans Zone' started by RexB, Mar 15, 2017.

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  1. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    Sex and money, who can resist? Not these damn contractors, nor some Navy brass posing as officers and gentlemen. They were all getting paid plenty but got greedy.

  2. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    RexB and Campspringsjohn like this.
  3. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

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  4. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    What those contractors and O's pulled is a knife in the heart of "Integrity" in my Navy. Can't expect the kids coming into the service to believe in the effort if the big shots are defrauding us like that. A senior enlisted supply guy caught on to their scam and turned them in, but there must have been other enlisteds in the Supply corp who knew what was going on and went along with their bosses. Shameful.

    There's over 54,000 O's in the Navy, all that I knew were dedicated sailors, I hope and pray to Neptune that these bad apples were all there are.
    We should be so lucky.
  5. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    I had briefly considered that, but I thought keelhauling would let them off to lightly and there is an ever so slight chance of survival.

    Drawing and Quartering allows the masses to watch the expression on traitors faces and there can be but one outcome without any question what so ever.

    It's happened before to all branches of the services and fortunately it is just a few bad apples. If they can't associate it with a few rotten apples, we'll let the nasty critics take a ride in the Saddle of a Mk 48 ADCAP "special".

    Remember the inflated prices on the $600 hammer for the Army or the $1300 toilet seat in the P3? Never mind that they never explained that the P3 had a special "unibody" integrated special type of set up with mount attachments molded in for the honey bucket and a separate pee pot. It still should have been no more than $500 IMHO.
  6. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Considering some of the scandals in the higher ranks the past few years, I wonder if the cushy perks and extremely high salaries which have happened over the past 50 years for the guys at the top enjoy has created the conditions for this. Personal chefs and valets, top brass only golf courses, household staff, enlisted people painting their homes and doing home improvement jobs, "private" executive jets (including a B52 with special dining and sleeping quarters), private parties on taxpayer dollars including using military personnel for the band and servers, mansions, lavish accommodations when they travel, etc.

    Only the president is more coddled. They live better than many multi-millionaires. They are out of touch, spoiled brats. Its no surprise some of them they can be bought. Is it any wonder they squeal when budget cuts are announced.
  7. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    Ken, i'm familiar with some of that elite-stuff, couldn't spend near 30yrs in and not. But what's the source for all flag staff getting that kind of treatment? For years before 2000 retirement i saw public works (civ contractors that vy for the job) painting and repairing their houses, not troops.

    Exec-style jet yes, small, narrow and bend over to walk thru, tho think there's just one for all of CincPac staff to ration out between themselves, and a couple more that the fleet has to make dibs on and wait in line. Otherwise hop a C-130 or C-141 or troop charter like everybody else. Flag was right in the cargo nets with me on a few long flights. I caught a Sea Hawk and a C-2 a couple of times off a ship. Or if in a squadron one of your own birds might be heading the right direction. I do remember CINCPAC, who hadn't (couldn't) take leave for years flying a Navy jet himself to Miramar a couple of long weekends to meet family. It made the papers.

    The houses are usually real nice - and a hundred years old close among other 100-year-old houses in good condition. Lavish travel accomodations is usually base quarters (BOQ) similar to a Holiday Inn, or if flag rank they can usually get a nice, not outrageous, hotel. Or a flag base house might be empty for them to use while visiting. Don't know about the five-star B-52, the AF works in mysterious ways.

    I s'pose some get spoiled, though the ones you've seen are a lot different than the ones I've seen. I'm open to learn otherwise.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2017
  8. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

  9. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    And the number of officers per uniformed personnel has gone way, way up.... 700% since WWII. Hell, the Navy now has almost as many admirals as ships!
  10. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    I'll read the articles, hope I'm not disgusted disappointed and outraged. How'd you get those articles pasted so quick?

    Yes, too many Flag O's for a long time too imo. That's a 'savings' part of that article on cutting billions in waste from the Pentagon.

    I'll read that in the morning so i can ruin a whole day instead of a half day. i like being depressed.
  11. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    Fast server.

    Click and drag to highlite, ctrl and C to copy, ctrl and V to paste

    I usually open notepad to put a bunch of links or videos on, then highlite and copy them all and paste them.

    ~You can also keep a thread reply window open, open a new tab, and then copy things over by switching back and forth between tabs.
  12. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    I saw an episode of M*A*S*H appropriate to this topic last week. A general gets killed leaving the 4077th when the truck he's in goes off an embankment with him in the back with a half dozen Korean prostitutes. So his aide rushes his body to the front then puts out a press release that the general went down fighting in a glorious pitched battle with the enemy.
  13. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Boy, our Spec Ops Admiral in the 7th Fleet, CTG 72, was sure missing out. I wonder if he knew how much he was missing out on when he would "dress down" and go flying with us "because seeing with your own eyes was better than any 10 Flag Staff intel *&^%"? (I definitely will not use the term he did, wouldn't want to ruing any more of Rex's day!):clap:anim......:rofl:anim........:devil:anim

    I want to see that tricked out B-52!
  14. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    Thanks Dutch, that's how you and I do it. Besides a faster server(?), I wonder if Ken has some sort of research and storage bank to access -- he gathers and pastes info to a forum faster than I've seen before :)

    Those articles and mine covered about 2 dozen Flag rank and lesser officers before 2012, and my article an investigation from 2013-2017. I hope to heck they spend many years in prison. And don't get their retired pay like our civilian congress people do after they've been caught and imprisoned. Draw & Quarter might be a little harsh, but keel-hauling under a frigate would do for a nice start.

    M.A.S.H. is a good funny TV show and i was a follower (had to catch the reruns, i was overseas that decade with no US tv). It would have been better that his family if there was one, knew that after years of combat and separation through WW2 to reach generaldom he died with prostitutes in Korea. Was it true or a skit? (just yankin' your chain a little, but you don't seem to like generals or admirals: "They are out of touch, spoiled brats. Its no surprise some of them they can be bought. Is it any wonder they squeal when budget cuts are announced.")

    I'm all for trimming the waste that i know exists around the Pentagon, re my past posts. And I'm real worried about the military becoming demonized again by half the general public, just 1% who were ever actively involved. We're becoming more divided, sometimes violently like now, in just about every part of U.S. society whether political, athletic, healthcare, religion, education, etc et al. {that's likely incorrect grammar but...}
  15. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    Thanks Jim, but instead of my day getting ruin-ter it gave me a laugh -- Flag Staff did tend to get underfoot, there were so many of those epaulettes trotting around the passageways on the 04 level. But i did meet the Shah of Iran that way, though that's not really a good brag point. :)

    i'm going to watch Merkel meeting Trump on the tube
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