Veterans Zone DoD to Open Online Exchange Shopping to Veterans

Discussion in 'Veterans Zone' started by Seabiscuit, Jul 31, 2017.

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  1. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

  2. F350-6 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    I saw that somewhere. Kinda curious how that compares these days with the likes of Amazon and the whole WWW. Last time I stepped foot in an exchange, I didn't even know anyone with a cell phone.
  3. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    My daughter and son in law (Active Duty Navy @ the Naval Special Warfare Center in Coronado) tell me to check Amazon first, that the NEX is usually more expensive. I've done some ordering from Amazon, but not much. When I was Navy, I usually tried to get to an Army or USAF PX because they were always cheaper than the NEX. Then, there are a number of local stores that give 5 to 10% vet discounts.
  4. F350-6 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    Yesterday I discovered that Sears gives 20% off tools to vets for regular price items, or 5% off for sale price items. 20% is the best I've seen. (sorry for the hijack from the PX topic)
  5. JWC 3 TOTM Winner Founding Member

    More hijack. .... many places in my area giving vets discounts. My shop does. Big name parts house does. Most restaurants locally owned. Never hurt to ask!
  6. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Didn't know that Sears did. I asked once at the Sears 17 miles from us and they said they didn't. May have been a policy change since then? A lot of these places don't advertise it, even if you walk in with you coat or hat on covered with 'scare' patches. Then you run into the 'franchises' where a brand store in one town gives a discount and in the next town over they don't.
  7. F350-6 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    Was standing in line behind the type that can't seem to figure out if they want something or if they have the money for it, or whatever. With no one else in line behind or anywhere near me, I noticed a small 8 1/2" x 11" sign hanging on the wall that appeared to say something about veterans and had a flag motif background. Since I had time to kill, I walked over to read it and was shocked to see 20%. Cashier didn't even bat an eye about it either. No idea how long it's been in place. I don't remember seeing a sign in a different sears last month, but I wasn't bored and looking around at the time.
  8. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    You will never find me complaining about a 20% Vet discount...AND you most likely will see me in the check out line AGAIN on another day!
    JWC 3 likes this.
  9. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    I said elsewhere that the dollar general people were just giving the discount to anyone who bought anything - which is dirty. But I understand them hating the company anyway. It was a short time offer

    Most places do not offer a discount to those who serve or have. WHY is it all of a sudden popular again?

    Is it getting HOT again?

    * Seabiscuit - that yellow in your sig is hard as hell to read, DO YOU MIND?
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2017
  10. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Yellow is standard DEFCON 3. You really don't want me at DEFCON 2 or 1, although I've been interacting with my sister today and I'm sure we are about to climb up the ladder........
  11. F350-6 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    Define again. I joined under Reagan. Did my 6, messed up my knee, and moved on. I don't remember ever getting as many discounts as I've seen in the last few years.
  12. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    Q: Is this ALL VETS? Or just Retired?

    On another note, I have heard that a lot of Officers own stock in the Exchanges and PX's

    *OBSERVATION: I wish they would go with mainstream clothing in exchanges, like levis. Last i saw it seemed like somebodies Philapina spouse was in charge of purchasing...
  13. D. Yaros

    My theory is it is getting popular again because society is trying to assuage its guilt pangs for the way we use/treat our troops!
  14. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    1. Every county has an LVSO, at least in Oregon. They advocate for Vets and contact local businesses
    2. More Vets running or in position of authority in company's now.
    3. More Family of Vets or Active Military - see #1
    4. Politically Correct - More Vets in Politics
    5. Mass media putting more and more wounded, maimed and damage Vets into everyone's front room in real time and HD.
    6. Many more Veteran service organizations to advocate for Vets and Vet programs
    7. Someone, someplace started it on Veterans Day, and it caught on and got expanded.
    8. Marketing. Vets talk to Vets. A vet getting a recommendation from a fellow Vet goes a long way. Within a few days it has spread from one Vet throughout the local VFW, American Legion, DAV halls as well as other Veterans clubs. Similar to Building Stores having a contractor desk and discount competing against the store that does not....
    A bunch of reasons exist that I'm not listing....

    Lowe's gives a Veterans discount and is connecting to the 'My Lowes Card' system so you don't even have to show your Government ID anymore - just give them your phone number. Home Depot only (or used to the last time I was in one) only gives a discount to Disabled Vets so you have to have your 'papers' with you or your VA card with SC on it with you.
    For me, there are a couple of other reasons I don't go to Home Depot that are a little deeper than that. None the least of which is, I set up two different appointments for an estimator to come out to my House and get me a bid on reroofing the house. They stood me up both times, 2 days wasted waiting for them to show up. Then, 2 or 3 weeks later, their Customer Service Department called and wanted a survey on how they did, how their prices compared, whether or not I selected their company to do the job, and if I didn't, why not. I very politely gave their rep on the phone an ear full and told them to scratch my name off of their mailing list.
    BTW - Lowe's and 2 independent contractors (1 of whom gave Military Discounts) all showed up early for their appointments.

    I mentioned this problem with Home Depot at a Disabled Vets meeting the following week. I had the VSO asking me about it 2 days later and I hadn't even talked to him, but he had gotten the word! In the intervening year and a half, I don't know of a single vet in my DAV group, local American Legion Club, BOB's, (or my gun club for that matter), that have gone back to Home Depot.

    Lowe's, Cabela's and I'm sure other stores are starting to (or already have) connected Veteran discounts with on line purchases.
  15. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    Well done 're-scoop' on that, thanks Jim!
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