GM pays $900 million in U.S. criminal settlement over ignition switches

Discussion in 'General Automotive Discussion' started by clux, Sep 17, 2015.

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  1. clux Article Contributor Founding Member

  2. CarlS Vet Zone Canadian Chapter

    Of course. Why am I not surprised?
  3. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    .... and yet jails are loaded with people who smoke pot.
  4. KW5413 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    bwhat? Huh?

    Duuuude, I'm hungry.

    230b1240593bd9e4beeae16e376c1618._.jpg #ad
  5. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    What I meant is where real justice needs to be dealt with, over lives lost, money buys them a get out of jail card. Yet, those who can't afford to fight the system get their lives ruined over minutia.
    clux likes this.
  6. Paul Masley Founding Member

    Now how does this make sense? Government Motors being fined by the government. Taxpayers will end up with the bill......once again.
  7. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    If you can afford pot - you've got money. Therefore you are "harvestable"
    If you can afford lawyers, it is obviously going to cost the government to prosecute you, and they may lose.

    There exists a threshold level beyond which you become too much trouble.

    Busting lesser offenders makes money, QED

    Drug and alcohol offenders also can be used for highway maintenance that otherwise would be the job of a salaried employee.

    People who get busted for lesser offences are usually not able to get out of the charges, or will not cause enough legal trouble to be expensive in the long run.

    The cost effectiveness of prosecuting lesser crime makes of it a cash cow.

    Persuing higher offenders on the other hand becomes both complicated in terms of investigation - and also pricey - but includes the legal prospects of a better mouthpiece preventing a successful conclusion.

    The only high end cases worth persuing are those with an open and shut conclusion, if the evidence is not highly in favor of a decision it will not be persued.

    Any such case has to be air-tight before the trap closes.

    Ultimately (and perversely) - I think that Lawyers will bring about the end of civilization as we know it.

    This is why corporate lawyers are the most poisonous reptiles on planet earth - in my opinion

    Still - I like to build my own cars and trucks anyway. If they turn out to be crap it's my own fault.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
  8. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    In theory yes, in practice pot is used at a higher rate in poorer communities. Not only does it provide an escape (though fake), it does so for longer periods of time than alcohol, for overall less money.
  9. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    We agree there - and it also does much less harm to the body.

    Alcohol eventually kills people, or at least shortens their lives and makes them miserable.
    Pot makes your memory go to pieces, and I don't care who vehemently denies it - the oldest joke in the world about pot users is:
    "Ummm, what were we just talking about???"

    It's still a substance that I don't think is ABUSE as such, but one that people resort to because their lives are not satisfying. It provides them with a sense of feeling good, without, I think, much harm being done except in the case of alcohol which damages the body.

    Comparable things that do not involve substances are video games, and watching too much television.

    TV has long been the sop of choice, we become couch potatoes and suck into ourselves whatever is presented on HBO, DISHNETWORK, DIRECTV, and so on....

    That is not reality either. It is SPOONFED BRAINWASHING

    Walk into a room, prepared to not even THINK of looking at the TV, and look at the people watching it - what do you see?

    There isn't much social interaction is there? They are sponges taking in sounds and lights. Mesmerized...

    But THAT is considered acceptable, because it convinces people to try to be more productive, make more cash, and spend it on all sorts of things that for the most part they just don't need...

    It programs into us the need to persue a misguided AMERICAN DREAM

    "You JUST gotta have this, because everyone else does..."

    Shucks... If the first people who emigrated to here and treated with the Natives could see us now - they would be appalled

    Our energy and self will more subborned than ever - owned by the networks. Taught through electronic devices what is desirable....

    It's kind of disgusting in a way. Abhorrent...

    But this is the life we have been taught.
    Thank God for the internet

    I may be an idiot about many things, but on this I am fairly sure. We need to think for ourselves instead of just swallowing what someone else just stuffs down our throats -

    ~ until we just give in because it is simpler to just believe it, whatever it is, hammered with it until we finally cave in.

    We need to think outside of the box, and that is why I finally came around to the idea:

    IBI - UBU

    I am myself, and YOU are yourself

    (It has nothing to do with internet brands)

    The UBU philosophy means ditching outside programming, and reaching back to find out who YOU are
    Once and for all.

    Who are you?
    Who am I?
    That's the question.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
  10. Paul Masley Founding Member

    Well, really I can afford Pot, but do not or need it. Those were the earlier younger days. And coke is the Supreme Being's way of just saying that either you have or just make too damn much money.

    And for the comment that both are addicting. I can say bullshet on that. Maybe in your head but physically, neither are. Reminds me of that movie that Al Pacino was in. He stuck his face in that mountain on his desk and snorted. Yeah Right. Do it like that and your damn heart would explode. Both drugs are social drugs, not like the shet on the streets today. It is so bad now that even my state is requesting retired first responders to carry napox for the opiate addicts as we are usually first on scene. And it does work. It is mind boggling watching the results if you get to them in time and have enough of it.

    Well, and the next comment will be.............
  11. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Dutch, you lost me at sentence two when you started replying to a point I didn't make, lol. Whatever you're on... it's working!
  12. Campspringsjohn Founding Member

    So, fining GM for faulty ignition switches makes as much sense as fining the EPA for the spill in Colorado? In order for jail time, would criminal intent need to be established?
  13. CarlS Vet Zone Canadian Chapter

    I believe it was a criminal case.
  14. clux Article Contributor Founding Member

    The EPA didn't try to hide the spill in Colorado while people died to protect their profits............................
    And this was a criminal case.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2015
  15. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Here's what really bothers me, and illustrates the ineffectiveness of government. GM is paying almost a billion dollars to the Justice Department, which goes into the asset forfeiture fund. Guess what the victims get? Not much. Pretty much the same happened with the Toyota $1.2 billion Justice Department settlement.

    This was not about justice, this was government extortion in exchange for immunity from justice. At least with civil cases, even though the lawyers rake in bucks, the victims get some compensation.
    clux likes this.
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