Veterans Zone Gone but not forgotten

Discussion in 'Veterans Zone' started by Greywolf, May 29, 2015.

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  1. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    (Non-Combat Memorials)

    Don Dey Sr.
    Vietnam Vet, lost last year when his health failed rapidly beginning around New Years.

    Don came home from 'Nam as an infantry troop and went on to become an AG Pilot for many years. His stories of wild airplane rides and screwy things an airplane can do were a never ending source of fascination.

    A truly decent man, who's son and I are best friends to this day.

    Jim (I wish I could remember his last name... That bothers me) a Cherokee Indian fella I met in California years ago, who kept my gun collection while I went on cruise one year as an E5, passed away in the early nineties. He was on his way to L.A. to get some VA issues resolved, and was killed in a car crash on I-15.

    I met Jim at a bar in Escondido that I used to stop off at on my way to an apartment I had on Mission Avenue when I was stationed at Miramar. His answer to most any kind of griping and bitching was "Shut up and have another beer...", and then he'd smile his funny smile and slide a bottle under my nose.

    I don't think I ever saw him upset by anything.

    Damned good people.
  2. wpnaes Southwest Chapter

    Thx for sharing Wolfie.
  3. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    I was uncertain if to reply to that or not - but there is closure, I know (without spinning off into any beliefs and whatever) that they both completed whatever it was they were here to do. That I have posted about them is more on the order of honoring their memory, remembering what was special about them each, and sharing with you (yes) my memories of a pair of decent, and in some ways remarkable men.

    I have never had one of those bumper stickers that had "WWJD?" on it.

    But I have often thought to myself:

    "Dang, I wunner WTF Jim woulda made of THAT mess?"


    "Yeah, Donnie might have made a fuss over that - but not if it meant crashing the damn plane..."

    People we have known leave a lasting effect on us. I am far less of an asshole than I would have been if I never met them.
  4. wpnaes Southwest Chapter

    I think the same can be said for us. Nothing historic, but we possess the potential affect another person from time to time. If we're quiet long enough to listen.
    dustybumpers and BKW like this.
  5. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    And that's my cue to "Shut up and have another beer" :)
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