How to check codes on OBD1 and 2 without a scanner

Discussion in 'Specifications, Codes and Other Data' started by dustybumpers, Apr 30, 2015.

By dustybumpers on Apr 30, 2015 at 1:38 PM
  1. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    This is how you can retrieve your KOEO codes

    open your hood, and look at the firewall/drivers fender for this
    Check codes 001.JPG

    Pull the plugs from the cap

    Check codes 002.JPG

    put your test light into the small plug, and onto a good ground

    Check codes 003.JPG

    Sit in the seat, and put your key in the ignition.
    Be sure to turn off all accessories
    Turn key on
    Watch check engine light

    Check codes 005.JPG

    Codes on obd 1 are in 2's obd2 are in 3's
    It will flash. first will be flash,,,,,,,, flash. that will be 11 ( 3obd2 will be 111)
    That code is system pass,
    then you will start getting the codes.
    All codes are repeated twice

    We are working on posting a place where all the codes will be on site available to be able to be looked up.

    Another version of how to do this here:
    RexB, 56panelford and Campspringsjohn like this.


Discussion in 'Specifications, Codes and Other Data' started by dustybumpers, Apr 30, 2015.

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