Veterans Zone I've been away for a while

Discussion in 'Veterans Zone' started by Greywolf, Jul 3, 2020.

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  1. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    a lot has happened, and my disability increased to 70% - that helped a lot. Now I can afford to live

    I BEAT CANCER! They pulled my prostate out, and said they got it all.

    2020 has been rough, my favorite stepson died on the last day of 2019 while making a medical courier delivery as an interstate carrier.

    ~ and I now own a tractor to landscape my home

    I also collected a 79' F350 farm truck.... (which also turned out to be a Ranger)
  2. clux Article Contributor Founding Member

    Glad you’re still kicking around, Wolfe.
  3. CarlS Vet Zone Canadian Chapter

    That is very good news!
  4. captchas

    happy to see you back wolfie. yes isn't this getting old fun? NOT!!
  5. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    ~ I felt a bit guilty about doing a "Drive By Info Dump", but I've been busier than a salmon trying to get around a waterfall
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2020
  6. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    I do not know if "Charlie" ever quit it - and I don't care. The only one I can be is MYSELF - and if he chases me with his grudge that is just too bad
    I already tried to apologise to him several times.
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