Mini-car Shootout (hatchbacks)

Discussion in 'General Automotive Discussion' started by Greywolf, Oct 7, 2015.

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  1. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    These guys are a riot - I think I'm going to subscribe to them.

    ~And of course, FORD won this event....
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
  2. JWC 3 TOTM Winner Founding Member

    Here is a not hot hatch ...
    1007151420.jpg #ad

    fun video by the way .
    I use to run a festiva on a dirt track
    with friends . They were pissed that
    I always left them ...
  3. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    Here's another fun one from the same guys
    (it was on the after-videoplay suggests)

    These guys are great, I'm likin' their vids a lot!

    Here is one last from them, and food for considerable thought:

    Last edited: Oct 9, 2015
  4. Paul Masley Founding Member

    Naw, do not want a car that I could put in the truck of my Vic!
  5. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    They're not cars tho - they're SQUIRRELS.

    You have to have a MINI-COOPER mindset to wrap yourself around the whole thing.

    Clay Millican (seven time IHRA champion? Neighbor of mine?) has an Abarth, the new version Fiat 500. He says it's a blast to drive, and I believe him. I can hardly wait to get the Swift on the road and play with it.

    It's a 'THING'

    Driver passion if anything is greater for tiny cars, because it's like having the go-kart you always wanted as a kid...
    The impression of speed is more because you are closer to the road surface and can feel everything

    It makes it new and different. It brings the joy back to driving that may have become "Just something you have to do"
    I remember my late Mom telling me that driving was just a job anymore... She had got over it and it was no fun anymore

    It is far more.... 'intense' in a small car or a roadster

    ~ and they can be easily modified
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2015
  6. Paul Masley Founding Member

    I really do not care for what I call clown cars. I had a Datsun (company car), I think it was called a B210 but cannot remember. I was stopped on the TP and got hit from the rear by a Maverick. Yeah, I am really dating myself now. LOL. The back seat hit me in the head. It almost killed me. After spending two weeks in the hospital, I had a "else" conversation with the owner. My next company car was a big LTD Brougham, I mean BIG. Four people could sit in the front seat. LOL I have always had big hood cars with a frame after that.
    JWC 3 likes this.
  7. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    I've always called them weenie cars, they don't do a thing for me. "Hot hatches" to me have always been squished up station wagons, no matter how quick or curve hugging any particular model might be.
  8. 56panelford TOTM Winner Founding Member Canadian Chapter

    I drove a Lada Signet for 8 1/2 years, not a hatch I know. I actually liked it, cheap to run and very dependable and I beat the crap out of it and put close to 400,000 miles on it.
  9. JWC 3 TOTM Winner Founding Member

    Lada ... Rusky car , correct ? Made a neat little 4wd 2 door ... Never imported to the US .
  10. 56panelford TOTM Winner Founding Member Canadian Chapter

    The Lade Niva was the little SUV type vehicle you are likely thinking about, another tough little rig. I eventually had to take that car off the road when I got a flat one day and thought for a moment that the jack was broken but then I realized the jack was cut up the side of the car, it was rotten underneath the paint that actually looked good.
  11. JWC 3 TOTM Winner Founding Member

    They made some interesting little vehicles . They even went in with GM , I am told .
    Lada was never imported to the US .
  12. 56panelford TOTM Winner Founding Member Canadian Chapter

    They stopped making the Signet which was rear wheel drive with a posi trac but then went to front wheel drive and eventually disappeared. I treated that little car like it was a pickup, I should have taken pictures of some of the loads I put on and in
  13. JWC 3 TOTM Winner Founding Member

    People , in my area , have No idea about the diverse selection and makes of automobiles at hand .
    They only see what is locally available .
    Problem is ... selections will vary !
  14. 56panelford TOTM Winner Founding Member Canadian Chapter

    My main purpose for the car was cheap transportation to and from work, I bought it for $6,000 and drove it 8 1/2 years and put just under 400,000 kms on it, not bad for a cheap car, had to change a water pump, an alternator in all that time.
    JWC 3 likes this.
  15. JWC 3 TOTM Winner Founding Member

    I see no issue with owning a cheep disposable automobile . I am guilty . If need be , I would pick up another one .
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