Veterans Zone NAVY Standards Drop

Discussion in 'Veterans Zone' started by mete, Sep 10, 2017.

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  1. mete

  2. F350-6 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    I saw that article a couple of days ago and didn't bother reading it due to the headline talking about the recent aircraft carrier collisions. As an old Jarhead, I'll be the first to call the two vessels involved a boat, but a carrier? That's just plain ignorant.

    And I don't keep track of how many boats are floating out on the water at any one point, but there's a large percentage of Navy personnel that don't work on boats, so staffing levels shouldn't be any excuse since more bodies are available. Besides, I've got a nephew in law that works on a ballistic missle sub, and considering all that's going on with the DPRK, I've been surprised how much he's actually been home instead of out under water somewhere. Floats haven't been extended any more than the typical don't keep a schedule, and haven't started any earlier either.
  3. OldjunkFords Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Really accurate reporting.................NO Aircraft carriers have collided!.........That would be news indeed.
    2 separate collisions between Arleigh Burke class destroyers and merchants ships DO NOT mean the USN is in on the skids.
  4. F350-6 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    Maybe, but I'd be willing to wager they won't be launching any fighter aircraft off of either of those ships any time soon.:)
  5. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member


    Those are not even AMPHIB HELO carriers, that artical is a crock!

    But wrecking a ship of any class is a major career buster, and there are sure to be internal repercussions.
  6. F350-6 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

  7. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    Oh (F) me, 3M cards? Holy perishing Christ...

    1) Ensure the weapon is not capable of firing by removing power to the launcher in the following manner...

    Etc, etc...

    But British seamen are generally far more proud of their service than we are. It would be common for a 3M guy to take shortcuts in the USN that I know (additionally), because the cards are written by assholes to begin with.
  8. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    IE: They don't explain anything, they just say :
    Do THIS
    Do THAT
    Do THIS...

    With no explanation at all so that whoever is doing the work can understand what they are doing.

    If the people writing such cards had any respect for WHO was going to do the job, they would and should provide a LOT more information.
  9. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    *Treating the enlisted personnel as if they were elementary school dropouts is a big part of the problem. IF YOU GOT TREATED as if you were stupid every day at your job - how much would you honestly care anymore? What would you act like? How would it change your perceptions?

    The rule on anything written as an instruction is to couch it in language that someone with a sixth grade education can understand...

    What the hell does that say?

    What does it mean when you have to be highly qualified to even JOIN the military as an enlisted?

    ~I submit that it is derogatory, and undermines the troops themselves. The message you are sending is clear:

    "YOU are a bunch of (F)ing dumb asses that graduated high school by accident, and we do not respect you! We think you are a bunch of elementary school dropouts..."

    How long will anyone put up with that?

    I once realised that what I am accused of being - I might as well be! Because if that is how I am seen, I might as well reap the benefits from...

    It is a false belief, but one that is hard to get over. In an environment like that you have to go over the top and prove yourself some way, somehow
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2017
  10. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    And that is why the concept of "TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT" completely fails to be implemented in the United States Navy

    It is a DICHOTOMY
  11. F350-6 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    We live in the PC era now Dutch. What it says is everything written for important, life critical training, is done so by JAG types so no one gets sued because a mistake can be traced back to ambiguous wording. Prepare it for the lowest common denominator, then dumb it down some more just to be safe.

    On my side of the world, we say things like claymores stamped "this side toward enemy" or anti-tank missles that were labeled "this end toward enemy" Like after training with these things and learning exactly what they can do, you might forget.

    I've been out for a long time now. I wouldn't be surprised if they had the barrels of the rifles printed with something similar these days.
  12. mete

  13. F350-6 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

  14. mete

  15. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Publicity Head Hunt for public consumption in the truest traditions of Short and Kimmel after Pearl Harbor.
    Some of those folks are undoubtedly guilty of negligence. The Skipper of the ship can't be on the bridge 24/7, no more so than the Fleet Admiral in charge of the entire fleet, hundred of ships and aircraft and thousands of Sailors. This has nothing to do with any kind of changes or "significant changes".

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