Discussion in 'Veterans Zone' started by Greywolf, Jun 1, 2015.

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  1. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member


    Welcome to the FORD LEGION!
    benbr and Archion like this.
  2. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    The FORD LEGION is honored to announce the presence of:


    Sailor and motorcyclist, and a new member of our august fraternity and sorority


  3. fabmansbro Vet Zone Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    I,m alredy aFTZ member and also A vet and would like vet zone ribon 10/4 thanks
  4. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    (?) Now that's a new one - I never thought to take note of where and how the application is made.

    I guess now I need to do some running around the site to locate that.
  5. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    Okay, I found it again.

    On the top bar, the dark blue one on the right - click on your user name, and it should take you to your account.

    On the menu on the left there should be an item: "Join User Groups" click on that

    One of them will be the veterans zone. It's near the bottom

    Funny - if we ever get a Tennessee chapter going I'll have one heck of a ribbon rack
  6. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    "I love it when a plan comes together..."
    ~Hannibal Smith

    fabmansbro is now beribboned, and the FORD LEGION is one more good man stronger!

    So shall it be written, so shall it be done...
  7. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    * from about the day I got a nasty mean ear infection, but that's no excuse for skating off or being UA

    We have THREE new ribbons to hand out:
    Diesel Dave


    ...Front and center. This is to certify that the secretary of the Veterans Zone has awarded the above named FULL BLOODED members of this band of True Ford Blue Veterans and so on, and so forth. Given this day by my keyboard, etc - etc...

    Welcome to the FORD LEGION :)
  8. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    I have elected on my own initiative to welcome into the fold a remarkable man who is a veteran not of the USA but of our allied services, a man known to me to be absolutely fantastic in every way. A personal mentor of mine during a time when I was emotionally and professionally challenged, and who from out of nowhere chose to help me so much I can only remain forever in awe of what he did to help me.

    I know that there are people of means who sometimes engage in philanthropy. Sometimes when we have cash we chuck it at whatever seems best, or to waste it... But this man cared and took a risk on an E6 who was coming to the end of his career and had a lot of worry on his table.

    TWICE this man came to my aid, towing an antique car 2,000 miles across country for me, and storing it on his own land - though I sold it later at a pittance. He then took me all the way back to San Diego California because I had left another truck back there that I had to drive home when I retired...

    Now he stands in need, and he is a brother in arms who never gave up when there was that needful to do.

    His name is:

  9. CarlS Vet Zone Canadian Chapter

    I am new to the Ford Zone and the Ford Legion. Thanks for having me.
  10. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    *Dominous Legionous*
    (waves magic staff)

    ~and thus we have another legionaire...

    CarlS , you are now official! It even comes with a ribbon for your rack :welcome1:
  11. CarlS Vet Zone Canadian Chapter

    Thank you much! Proud to be here.
  12. Theo Vet Zone

    Wolfy always manages to make me blush.. Thank you for including me in this zone.
    I served as a combatant chaplain for a long time, can't remember the figures but it was from the sixties to the early nineties. Combatant Chaplains get to shoot things. :) I retired from most of my career in '93 - December of that year. ( my current disability injury happened four months later - went through wars and hell for many years, and get disabled when I retire.. figures.)
  13. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    I remember you once told me that you dropped the adversaries, and then gave them their last rights - and a lot of people thought that very strange.

    As I recall you didn't want to leave - but were told that you were too old anymore, and thus wound up on the street in front of the gate wondering what the hell to do with yourself. And it wasn't as if you had an ordinarily marketable set of skills...

    What to do

    There already WAS a "Batman", and it was a fictional character

    D'you remember explaining to me what a "WOODEN TOP" was?

    Oh and by the way - I enjoyed riding bikes with you around Mira Mesa. Do you remember riding down into Camp Pendleton? That was fun, until I realized you and Sissy were on bad bikes.

    When I got on yours (or was it Sissies?), I realized something new had to happen.

    It was a strange place, that. One of a kind

    I introduced you to Mister Hughes, from England

    There is a joy of experience that doesn't seem much at the time - but later is a wonderful thing we can look back at and say we did that.
    The ride around Scripps Lake was one of those
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2015
  14. Theo Vet Zone

    Some of that I did not remember, but your words dragged it back into my mind. Thank You. loss of memory is a death in itself.
  15. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    We should have took some pictures, my friend. They would be priceless now.
    It was you who introduced me to Vietnamese cooking. I was wondering just now about the Spinach Vines I have just outside, and what to do with them.

    These notes from the past have suggested an excellent idea...
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