Oil companies much like tobacco companies

Discussion in 'General Automotive Discussion' started by FTZ HAIC, Apr 9, 2018.

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  1. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

  2. F350-6 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    OK, if we're going down that rabbit hole...

    1) can you argue that oil is as addictive as nicotine or cigarettes?

    2) was oil ever advertised as healthy?

    3) is it the oil itself, or just the resulting emissions from inadequate emissions standards?

    3a) who's liable for said emissions standards?

    4) if Shell or anyone else had posted a warning sticker on gas pumps back in the 80's that said use of this produce might lead to global warming, would anything have changed with consumer behavior?

    5) realistically, many countries have made great strides in emissions controls. If we're going to get any more serious about it as a globe, then we're going to have to deal with the things no one wants to talk about like container ships and international travel. (and the jet setting, anti-global warming types)
    Campspringsjohn and JWC 3 like this.
  3. JWC 3 TOTM Winner Founding Member

    Yup . All the libs jet setting, cheep junk shipping all over the globe. ,,
    Hybrid battery products ruining the environment. ........
    I could go on.
  4. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Shell's public stance was fossil fuels had no impact on warming. Their private stance and studies said they knew otherwise. That is how they are like tobacco companies. Has nothing to do with addiction, though I would say its easier for a person to quit smoking than for a nation to to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

    They didn't say it was oil, but fossil fuels, specifically the burning off them.

    Not a lawyer, I'll leave that someone at a higher pay grade. :)

    If the oil companies had come out and admitted it in the 1980s instead of hiding it, would Republicans have continued to have denied it? If not, maybe we could have started doing more, sooner rather than less, later.

    Great strides in pollution controls which cause smog but they don't focus on CO2. Hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and particulates emission are what have gone way down. Total car CO2 emissions are about 20% higher than in 1980.

    Coal is about the worst (currently 43% of fossil fuel CO2 emissions). Transportation accounts for 22%, with on the road accounting for 72% of that. Marine shipping accounts for 14% of transportation CO2. Aviation 11% (and planes have been getting cleaner, just that planes have a long service life before they get replaced).

    There being hypocrites out there doesn't change things. It would be like saying we ought not to do anything about child molestation because preachers who say its evil are hypocrites when they get caught doing it.
  5. F350-6 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    Having no impact isn't quite the same as some of the cigarette companies using doctors to promote their brand like Dentyne did later

    I can think of lots of things that one could burn that would be bad for the environment. Most of the folks manufacturing said substances are aware of that fact too.

    I think these two items go together in this order. No the emissions haven't focused on CO2, but it has been a moving target of all the other items and now CO2 is in the crosshairs.

    If you want to talk about emissions, look at what's been cut and what improvements have been made in terms of smog etc. Then look at what all the container ships are still pumping out daily. If you want to say, we fixed those, but now the problem is this, then it's a never ending string. Fix CO2 and it will be something else next.

    Point taken. So are there more pedophile priests or jet setting global warming advocates?
  6. clux Article Contributor Founding Member

    FTZ HAIC likes this.
  7. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Quoted for truth!
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