Part Identification

Discussion in 'General Truck Discussion' started by Bh9291, Dec 21, 2020.

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  1. Bh9291

    Hey guys, replaced the bushings in my front differential over the weekend. Started looking over everything I had to put back on the truck and came across this bracket. I'm having trouble finding a part number or ID and was wondering if anyone on here had any ideas. Thanks

    20201220_140156.jpg #ad
  2. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Its hard to tell from that angle and that close up, maybe a pivot braket?
  3. 1978 FORD Supercab

    It's a Whatchamacallit. It bolts right up to the Thingamabob. LOL :)anim;)anim:Danim:happy:anim. Sorry, but it's hard to tell with it being such a closeup picture.
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