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  1. JWC 3 TOTM Winner Founding Member

    gov1-1080x650 30's ford truck.jpg #ad
    Here we go .. Get this section going . I pitched my hat in .
    56panelford and BKW like this.
  2. ncranchero Founding Member

    On that note:
    BEFORE, in Montana
    ai11.photobucket.com_albums_a154_ncranchero_Jimmies_2036_OriginalphotosMarch19931.jpg #ad

    AFTER, in N.C.
    ai11.photobucket.com_albums_a154_ncranchero_Jimmies_2036_1936paintdone002.jpg #ad
    56panelford, JWC 3 and BKW like this.
  3. pirahnah3 Founding Member

    ok wow, there is a ton of love in that truck, great work
  4. ncranchero Founding Member

    It is a nice truck, built to drive and not be a trailer queen. It is/was built from the ground up by my uncle who passed away about a year and a half ago. The paint was done by a friend of mine, the wiring by me. We used to build wrecked Z cars and wound up with a practically new '84 3.0L turboed V6 that we saved all these years and he was determined to use, despite my objections. The wiring to get the 3.0L to run properly, the Cadillac column/seats, power windows and the VintageAir HVAC was a nightmare. No Painless Wiring kit for this combination! It all turned out great and very reliable, never failing once. It's just sitting in my aunt's garage right now but I need to find it a new owner.
    ai11.photobucket.com_albums_a154_ncranchero_Jimmies_2036_Goingnutswiringthe36.jpg #ad

    About crazy over this wiring!

    ai11.photobucket.com_albums_a154_ncranchero_Jimmies_2036_Misc042.jpg #ad

    Wiring in progress.

    ai11.photobucket.com_albums_a154_ncranchero_Jimmies_2036_1406002.jpg #ad

    Almost completed.
    wpnaes and JWC 3 like this.
  5. whomrig TOTM Winner Founding Member Southwest Chapter

  6. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Why does it have to go to another owner?
  7. ncranchero Founding Member

    It is my uncles truck and he passed away almost two years ago. I don't need it, can't afford it, have other priorities. It is a sweet ride though.
  8. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Yeah, I agree with that! It's a beautiful truck.
  9. 56panelford TOTM Winner Founding Member Canadian Chapter

    I would love to own it, it is a beautiful truck. Hope it goes to a good home.
    JWC 3 and OldjunkFords like this.
  10. JWC 3 TOTM Winner Founding Member

    dustybumpers and 56panelford like this.
  11. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    A TT
    Wow. Almost bought one of those......
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