Posting issues

Discussion in 'Site News, Announcements, Rules and Discussion' started by admin, Apr 20, 2018.

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  1. admin Staff Member

    I received notification that at least a couple of users are having problems posting and/or sending PMs. I'm taking steps and am in discussion with a moderator who's one of the people having the problem. As soon as I find a resolution I'll let you guys now.
  2. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    It wasn't letting me quote earlier. I see it is working now
  3. admin Staff Member

    Good, I rebuilt the user cache in the admin panel, that's quick (when it works). If anyone has continued problems and can't contact me to let me know, email me at kpayne @
  4. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    Everything else seems to be working fine

    Still getting used to the new lap top with such a lovely treat win 10, so i assume all is good
  5. masakimm Vet Zone

    I can only post from the mobile site from my phone have tried 2 different browsers on my computer. It also gives a network error on tapatalk Dont know if the site just doesnt work on tapatalk or if there is a problem. Screenshot_20180420-222802.png #ad
    Clip_4.jpg #ad
    Clip_3.jpg #ad
  6. test3

    test with Internet Explorer
  7. test3

    test with Edge browser.
  8. 1970something TOTM Winner Founding Member

    i only use a laptop running opera..................and never have any issues.
  9. Fabman In Memoriam Vet Zone Staff Alumni Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    I haven't been able to get on for the last hour.......
  10. admin Staff Member

    The site was down while I was trying to determine if the firewall or network card were the source of the problems (they weren't). As part of the process I did a reboot but messed up a config file and the server didn't come up right away. That's unrelated to the posting issue.

    Honestly, at this point, I have no idea what's causing it. Tapatalk is an entirely different issue, and I've put in a support request with them. For browsers the only suggestion I have at this point is to see if emptying cache and deleting cookies take care of it.
  11. KW5413 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    Cleared cache on my Surface which is using MS Edge. Lost everything in History :( but, is now working. Won't be back in the office until Wednesday. Will have to be more careful with what I am doing there.

    Damn Ken, you got hosed by whatever happened a few days ago.

    Thanks for your help.
  12. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    Tapatalk still down. Someone not playing nice, eh?
  13. admin Staff Member

    Tapatalk is now working. I'm wondering if the problems are a routing issue, because I never followed up with TT about some details they asked for and they haven't said they've done anything.

    Anyone still having problems posting?

    About cookies and cache, you shouldn't have to dump history. Just the cache. Most browsers will let you clear cookies for an individual site. Few guides for it online, it's a couple of extra steps.
  14. masakimm Vet Zone

    It is working from laptop have not tried my main computer. Tapatalk still does not work gives same error.
  15. admin Staff Member

    I think Tapatalk is a routing issue between them and the server, it only appears to be happening from certain locations, which indicates routing. Frankly, the fewer people that use Tapatalk here the better, because I'm going to eventually get rid of it due to the company's horrible business practices.
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