Notice any difference?

Discussion in 'Site News, Announcements, Rules and Discussion' started by admin, Apr 3, 2018.

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  1. admin Staff Member

    Just wondering if anyone has noticed any difference in site speed the past couple of days?

    Last week I added another server and moved the database over to it on the weekend. Was snappy before, but seems a bit snappier now. Or is it just me?
  2. 1970something TOTM Winner Founding Member

    i have not noticed, but then again i was not looking for it either.
  3. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Hadn't noticed. Had a period a couple of days ago where I was getting a "bad gateway" or 'can't reach this page message', but when everything came back on it is working fine. Can't really say if it is snappier or not. But, now that you mention it, something seems a bit more brisk or crisp...the power of suggestion???
  4. KW5413 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    Only a computer nerd could discern the difference, me thinks. I can't tell the difference but, wasn't looking. Still probably wont be able to as I have no mental benchmarks for it.

    But, thanks anyway.

  5. admin Staff Member

    Those issues were probably during some of the transfers of the databases to the new database server, it loaded down the server with some of them being rather large.
  6. 1970something TOTM Winner Founding Member

    the only thing i have noticed is an occasional "site is down for maintenance"message. so i go elsewere, and come back 1/2 hour or so later to a working FTZ.
  7. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    My win 7 laptop went kaboom, Because Tom sat on it with his big HUGE be-hind

    now I'm stuck with hateful win 10
    I thought the speed was the new laptop.
  8. F350-6 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    Can't tell any difference from the slow end of the internet, but I never considered this site to be slow. There are others that I couldn't visit without all the ad and flash blockers. (but change is coming I do believe on my end)
  9. helifixer TOTM Winner Southwest Chapter

    I am in Puerto Rico so everything is slow.
  10. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    Everything BUT yer pay rate, I hope.......;)
  11. helifixer TOTM Winner Southwest Chapter

    no that is good and on time.
    XDM45 and dustybumpers like this.
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