Veterans Zone RIP "Theologian" passed away last august, 2017

Discussion in 'Veterans Zone' started by Greywolf, Apr 25, 2018.

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  1. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    I just got the word from his Lady yesterday, we caught up to old times over dinner while she was in Memphis.

    A man who served in the Australian armed forces until (as he once said) "They kicked me out because I was too old..."

    Very likely the most unusual gentleman I shall ever meet in my life! How many ordained Bishops carry a pair of interstate licensed .45 auto pistols? Or are certified instructors for same? Among other items...

    I think it's fair to say that Theo brought many people to God - one way or the other...

    See you on the other side, old friend

    ~Dutch J
  2. Subaroo

    He was one of a kind that's for sure. I have so many wonderful memories and it was great catching up on our adventures in San Diego.

    Dinner was delicious, looking forward to next time.
  3. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    We must find a place with better chimichangas! ;) But haggis is out, I think...

    One of those adventures was when Theo introduced me to Vietnamese dining, and Spring Rolls
  4. Subaroo

    That was a very good Vietnamese restaurant. I have been unable to find a good one since. :(

    Are you sure you don't want to try haggis?? It is really yummy. Whenever I make haggis I wrap it in pastry.
  5. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    I suppose if I don't try it I can't have a real opinion - but that's the same thing I thought about V8 Rangers...
    About four years ago

    I still have only 3/4's of a 1/4 ton truck :sorry:
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