Veterans Zone So a cadet West Pointer goes partying before the game...

Discussion in 'Veterans Zone' started by RexB, Dec 20, 2016.

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  1. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    Baltimore police reviewing use of force in arrest of West Point cadet before Army-Navy game Dec 12, 2016

    BALTIMORE, Md. (Sun) -- Baltimore police are reviewing the arrest of Natasha Chick, an 18-year-old West Point cadet, who was struck in the face by a detective after she assaulted him.

    Natasha Chick, a second-year student at the United States Military Academy, was in Baltimore to attend the Army-Navy football game at M&T Bank Stadium on Saturday and had gone to a party in the 3100 block of St. Paul St. on Friday night, she said in an interview. While she said there was alcohol at the party, she doesn't remember if she drank.

    Chick said she hit her head at some point before the police arrived and doesn't remember much else. T.J. Smith, a police spokesman, said Chick "appeared to be under the influence of alcohol" and, unprovoked, assaulted Detective Aaron Cain by "kicking him in the chest" after he had responded to the location.
    Smith said that the entire incident was captured by Cain's body camera.

    Chick, a 5-foot-3, 105-pound second-degree black belt in tae-kwon-do from Texas, has been charged with second-degree assault of a police officer. According to Cain's written account of the incident in court records, he responded to an apartment building on the block for a report of a "suicidal person who was attempting to jump from the 4th floor catwalk in the rear." When he arrived, he was told to go inside the building to the third floor instead, where he found Chick in the hallway "highly intoxicated and being aggressive with some of her associates, kicking and screaming," Cain wrote.

    Cain intervened between Chick and her friends to find out what the problem was, and found Chick "was mumbling and rambling about people hurting her and wanting to kill herself," he wrote. Chick then "walked towards me stumbling in an intoxicated state and kicked me in the chest," Cain wrote. "At this time I was defending myself from a second kick, I struck Ms. Chick in the chin with my left hand to create distance from a further attack." After he struck her, Chick "fell on the floor and sustained a minor injury to the lip," Cain wrote. A medic was called, and Chick was transported to Bon Secours Hospital, he wrote.

    Cain also noted that the incident was captured on his body camera. Chick said she doesn't remember much, but has been told by her boyfriend and other friends that she was acting normally at the party until she hit her head — then started "acting weird" and "freaking out." Chick said she didn't realize she was being arrested, or that police were on the scene, until she was on the ground after being punched.

    After leaving the hospital, Chick said, she awoke hours later to messages on her phone about the arrest from her supervisors from West Point, who picked her up from where she was staying and took her to turn herself in on a warrant related to the incident. She was later released on her own recognizance. Afterward, Chick attended the Army-Navy football game along with the rest of the Army Corps of Cadets, she said.

    Chick said Tuesday that she would like to see the body-camera footage and talk to the detective about what happened. She said wounds on the back of her head and on her lip — where she has stitches — still hurt, as do bruises on her jaw, but she's getting better. She's also preparing for finals. "I just wish things happened differently," she said. "When people told me what happened, it scared me. ... If I knew what was going on, I don't think I would have been violent." She said she doesn't yet know what her arrest will mean for her future at West Point, which maintains strict standards for cadet conduct.

    Chick's father, Kenneth Chick, who is retired from the Army, said he also wants to see the body-camera footage to help him understand what happened. He said he wants to know why a male officer felt he needed to strike a small female cadet "square in the face, in the jaw, with a full-fledged punch."

    { Umm, because she was drinking, got rowdy, thought she was tough after 2 years of exercising and a few fighting classes at West Point "I'm a Black Belt!", and got mouthy with a cop. Seen it a dozen times on Shore Patrol in the US and overseas. Equal opportunity.}

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  2. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    It sounds to me like she was drunk (possibly club drugs involved?) and looking for an exit.

    Doesn't remember drinking, and had a black-out makes me wonder:
    "Hit her head, and started acting weird..."

    Either that or she's the cheapest date in town.
  3. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    Thanks for adding "Vet Zone" bar on me Greywolf -- I'd posted here a year ago and didn't know new ins or outs had happened. Looks good. My totally unbiased view is Vets Are Cool.

    Yes, I hope she was just drunk --a teenager leaving home and out into the big world, going to the great West Point requiring high academics and physical fitness, feeling her oats and having fun. I did it, everyone I hung with did, young sailors and marines having a fine time then working hard. Too bad she went wonko and her classmates had to call the law. As far as the cop slugging her after she kicked him in the chest (I'm a black belt!) i call it equal opportunity. Play hard and you might get a few bruises. I hope her 'blackout' before hand is nothing serious, or an "Oh crap, I better act like it wasn't really my fault" and she doesn't get into much trouble with the law or Academy.
  4. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    Worst I figure could happen is she goes in as an enlisted, then she'll really learn how to get drunk and brawl... ;)
  5. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    That's no kidding, she'd learn from pros... I'm a po2 on shore patrol duty, not a good chored y'know, once in the late 70'sd. Half an engineroom of ENs and BTs etc were partyin' in a nice St. Thomas bar, got polluted and rowdy, started throwing those little motorcycles around, trying to play catch. Busted tables and chairs, bruised a couple customers, cut themselves up. Wouldn't listen to nobody, started fighting. We get together 20 with sticks, the duty LT and four local police to gather 'em up. Teddn minutes of calm talking led to 5 minutes of mayhem, injuries and free overnight stays. For the next coupla years anyway some of 'em stayed hard-partyin' with different results good and bad. Through mucho years being around that, participating or shaking my head, that young lady, and young men, gotta' learn that hard liquor sometimes goes wrong and think about losing that custom if it's a problem. Least I hope it was liquor and not something more damaging.

    I'm getting to sound like a spoilsport. Anyhoo....

    {Sorry for the extrad 'd' typos, my 'd' finger is getting lazy.dd}
  6. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    Not to step in on ya'lls thread, but keep in mind, Trump was in town for the game. I'm pretty sure that has a little to do with how people were reacting to potential threats
  7. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    You're not stepping on the thread, come on in. I don't get the connection with Trump in town and a teenage party in a hotel that an experienced Baltimore detective came in on - maybe he thought she was a threat to Trump?
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2016
  8. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    In '84 when I joined there were still coke machines stocked with beer in the barracks. Within about five years all of a sudden it was totally NOT PC to go to the base club and get hammered - in fact there was a divisional DAPA at AIMD Miramar who part timed as a bouncer at the Miramar club, and that SOB was after my butt, when all I was doing (as I saw it) was living the life of a traditional young single sailor man...

    I thought the guy was a traitor, and even commented to a few people that he had a "Conflict of Interest". By the late nineties it almost seemed like you had to have a place to HIDE in order to have a cold brew after work anymore. In '04 when I mustered out the fine young Ladies and Gents were far from what they were at the beginning of my service. The successful ones were dedicated career people who seemed almost like yuppies :wtf: to me. I bet the first thing to go when I went ashore was the framed picture of CDR Edwin McHale that I kept on my desk aboard USS John C. Stennis

    Last edited: Dec 23, 2016
  9. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    No, no threat, but after the riots, they were taking no chances on ANY trouble coming out for the visit
    I agree with the way it was handled.
  10. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    Yeah I agree with the way it was handled too, i shoulda' made it more obvious. She was a threat to her partymates -they called the cops- and after karate-girl kicked the detective in the chest I'd have decked her too. Like I said, equal opportunity.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2016
  11. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    Haha, beer in the soda machines, i hit them a lot before turning 21. Japan is great for that, beer is in the cold machines right on the streets for anybody and a good place to shop if the bars are closed. And Yep, DAPAs, usually nice guys, usually a scourage, usually a do-gooder, sometimes were good guys who pulled their weight in the operational Navy too. A DAPA grabbed me once in my younger years and had me transported 150 miles away for rehab survey. After I'd talked with the big-time DAPAs there, they sent me back to home base and queried our little DAPA why he'd sent me there. My last one was a self-claimed ex-alky who said he 'saw the light'. Didn't know squat about the operational Navy, no sea duty, was in a EP-3E squadron for years without getting his wings. I had to put a lid on him sometimes when he got in his reformed-alky mode and harassed my troops. I don't go much for falling-down drunk, but young men and women got to play at what they like. Having a couple of six-packs with friends is a good way to get to know each other, or talk problems out without having to go 'official'.

    NAS Miramar, just visited a couple of times. Seemed like an Ok place, didn't it supply most of the fighters to the CVWs? And Tom Cruise got to party there lol.
  12. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    I was there at the time they filmed that - did you know Tom Cruise was afraid of airplanes AND MOTORCYCLES???
    The famous scene where he was racing the runway lights on a ninja bike, they had to strap the bike onto a trailer so he could ride it...

    There was absolutely NO WAY he was going to ride in an airplane that actually left the ground - even though he was offered rides in F-14's and everything else in the inventory! Far as partying there, outside of the location shots the guy was invisible. What a >>insert slang term for common house cat here<<!!!

    But yeah, Miramar was the main base (before "Re-alignment") for all west coast fighter planes. We had an E-2C community too, and then there was the Top Gun inventory (A-4's, F-5's, and some F-14A's).

    Miramar was where the F-14 Alpha and Delta were developed, and multi-tasking of the aircraft was extended to bombing capability making it an F/A bird where formerly it was essentially a missile and A2A gun platform
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2016
  13. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    Motorcycles too? I can believe it - Cruise came to NAS Atsugi to ride in P-3 to get a 'feel' for the op Navy in the air. Two of my buds from the Fleet Reserve hooch out by the end of the runway were its crew chief and a base plane captain (ABM2). Their story was Cruise came on board in his pilot-type RayBans popping gum, swaggering into the flight deck, plopped into the co-pilot's seat, said "Let's go" took out a pen and started writing in a notebook. His pen (not a Skilcraft) stopped working, he borrowed a pen and dropped his (expensive) pen on the deck. The crew chief preparing for takeoff asked him to grab it so it's not flotsam in the air -- he gave him a SA look, unwrapped another piece of gum and dropped the wrapper. I wish i could say he got sick on the flight but those P-3s fly smooth and even, and he took it like a real movie star. I liked him until the stories surfaced of how he acted sassy and irresponsibly around flight lines. (Were you trying to say sissy?)

    Yeah, the Bombcat!, lol the Tomcat fighter jocks gave 'em a little noise about it, all in good fun, but they were the best, certainly the fastest, bombers we had after deconning the A-7s and A-6s and long after the A-4s. What great pieces of machinery the military contractors designed.

    Did you get over to the Philippines? The best o'seas homeport we had, including the Med, was Subic Bay IMO. Is there already a WestPac thread? Subic, Olongopo, Barrio Baretto, all neat places. Neat people, get along great with everybody. Beautiful up in the mountains...Baguio if i remember...forested hills, silver streams, friendly folks. Innertubing down the Pampano or Pompanga somethin river on Luzon, a neat family living in the jungle ran the business, pineapple wine and barbecue. Good times.

    Hmph - I'd like to do about 25 years of that career again. But skip the 4 years of pure paperwork.
  14. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    Let's just say it wasn't "Putty Tat" I was thinking of. I bet they didn't let him on the flightline without a complete INDOC that covered FOD in particular, and the asshole acts like he wouldn't even behave if he was on an airline for kripes sakes - they should have sent him packing.

    The last cruise I was on that stopped in Subic (Aim high Olongapo!) was when the Brown Fox burned down. I was waiting to go aboard a liberty launch to Grande Island for a day of wandering around the old emplacements with a backpack full of suds when I noticed a lot of smoke in the direction of town and heard that the main gate was closed. I heard it was bad wiring on a generator, but who knows...

    The farthest I went from the base was Sta Rita in one direction, and the Old Oak Harbor in the other direction. To this day though I keep thinking about those Bonka Boats! I know - "BONKA" is Philipino for boat, so saying Bonka BOAT is like saying PIZZA PIE to an Italian. But still -

    I have often thought about building something like that over here for a small speedster. Picture a fiberglass or carbon fiber :wideyed: hull with outriggers and a 1300 Hayabusa engine!!! I bet that would be an eye catcher...

    I didn't realize until much later that the Bonka concept even applied to large scale inter-island craft. There are some in the fifty foot and longer class that have V8 engines. Check this:

    The ones I saw back then were canoe sized, but with motorcycle engines. The traditional fishing boat, Y'know? But I keep thinking that if you wanted to make a small and stable boat that seriously hauled ass that would be well worth an explore.

    Of course, I have also been thinking about Wing In Ground Effect craft. Combining the two ideas is a head-scratcher that I daydream about from time to time. :blackalien:

    I wonder if there is anyplace around Memphis where I can find Balut? That was some good stuff, even if it has very high cholesterol. A lotta people around here have chickens and other birds, and I know for a fact some Filipino's have settled around here.

    As bad as the interacial backwardism is in Memphis between whites and blacks - you should hear some of these yokels going off about "Messkins" and "Chinks", much less middle eastern folk. There have been a few East Indian folks around here, or there were for a while, and I bet most of the locals couldn't tell the difference between Hindu's and Arabs.

    *I'd dearly like to find a place that sells GHEE (clarified butter). I miss butter, I've been using butter flavored canola oil as a replacement because of that whole HDL/LDL business.

    Hey WTF. Ya get old, ya get fat, ya don't wanna die - so waddaya do? :cool:
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2016
  15. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    Jeepney's would be a good build too - can you not laugh thinking about the ones with tassles, good art on the body, running lights and half the neighborhood hanging on coming down Main street in Memphis? What the heck was the name of the little motorbikes with sidecars on them? They could scoot! through heavy traffic.

    Gotta' start a WestPac thread, Asia and the IO are great places to cruise.
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