Stealing a truck while the owner puts air in a tire

Discussion in 'General Truck Discussion' started by FTZ HAIC, Aug 15, 2016.

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  1. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Some parts of humanity suck.
  2. Campspringsjohn Founding Member

    Hope the owner gets their truck back. And the thieves get mysteriously shot!
    JWC 3, 56panelford and whomrig like this.
  3. KW5413 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    Speaking of putting air in the tires....

    On Memorial Day weekend we pulled out the Wave Runners for the first time since 2014 (Floods kept us off the water last year). So, I ask my youngest daughter's boyfriend (A Yank from Philly) to check and air up the trailer tires for me while we are installing new batteries on the boats. No trick, no checking for muffler bearing leaks...just air up the f'ing tires. So he says "sure" with a bad poker bluff look on his face.

    My buddy and S-I-L are watching him as he fumbles with the tire gauge and ultimately show him how it works. Then he proceeds to try to air the tire and has more escaping than going in. So, he is educated again. Then they have to yell at him to "STOP!" because the side walls are bulging out and they are afraid the tire is about to BLOW. My S-I-L finished and aired up the other tire. My daughter was very embarrassed.

    Now this guy is a hell of a Rugby athlete and had two Master's Degrees by the time he was 24...dumb as a bag of rocks. Mindless intelligence, at best. Oh, and he knows all there is to know about sales and being a good leader / manager. One night he even schooled my wife, who is a Global H.R. Director of a 70 million dollar company, how to recruit sales talent. :picard:

    Thankfully, about a month ago, he became my daughter's EX boyfriend. :knockedout: But, we did have to suffer thru him during our 8 day family vacation in June :(anim.

    Last edited: Aug 17, 2016
  4. clux Article Contributor Founding Member

    Dang KW almost sounds like you didn't like the kid.
    dustybumpers and Campspringsjohn like this.
  5. Campspringsjohn Founding Member

    Keith, you should've hired him! 2 Masters Degrees, fresh out of college, he knew everything!

    I bet he would have been an excellent helper working on the TA or Nova!
    56panelford likes this.
  6. KW5413 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    Just wasn't much to like. But, I knew my daughter would finally figure it out. He was completely Uptown. She has country girl roots.... and he wanted her to move to Philly...:swear:anim
  7. JWC 3 TOTM Winner Founding Member

    That sucks. Thugs. ......
    I won't say anything more about what I think.
  8. clux Article Contributor Founding Member

    I believe I've seen pictures of said daughter...........and I'm certain her disapproval of the young man was more painful for him than your disapproval.
    Campspringsjohn likes this.
  9. KW5413 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    Indeed it was. :)
    Campspringsjohn likes this.
  10. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    Sounds like Officer material...:rolleyes:

    I wonder why the keys were even in the truck while the lady was outside airing the tires up, much less running? I realise I'm a lot more paranoid than some, but leaving a car or truck running when it's stopped is just not a thing I do unless I'm worried that I can't get it started up again.
    Campspringsjohn likes this.
  11. Campspringsjohn Founding Member

    Inherited her mothers good looks??!!
    56panelford likes this.
  12. clux Article Contributor Founding Member

    Yeah and even more fortuitously, certainly not their father's..........ahem...............looks. Although beauty can skip a generation, I understand.
  13. KW5413 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    Yeah, she damned sure didn't get her looks from me. I married above my pay grade in many regards.

    Campspringsjohn likes this.
  14. LMS Residential Founding Member

    It was the other way around for me after I was married a few years. I contemplated making the devil wear a king size black sheet wrapped around her entirety from head to toe as a burka of sorts to protect the general public from the horror.
    Campspringsjohn likes this.
  15. LMS Residential Founding Member



    NOT me on the left. Dam this thread is derailed.
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