Street Outlaws

Discussion in 'General Automotive Discussion' started by FTZ HAIC, May 25, 2015.

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  1. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Anyone else watch this show?

    It seems to me the more I've watched it the more those guys seem to take themselves way too seriously, the faker the show feels and the less I like the bogus "street" aspect of it. I changed the channel tonight, I can't take it any longer.
  2. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    Never made it past the first 15 minutes. I was like you.
  3. OldjunkFords Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Fake posers, and not even entertaining...........yawn.
  4. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    Yeah. sucks when my box truck burns wheels better than his street car....LOL
  5. MIL1ION Canadian Chapter

    I'm pretty sure I've watched them all.

    You can tell when stuff is choreographed.
    especially when security or police show Up.

    Takes me back to 1968-72 when I was involved in deserted road races out in the country.

    Back then it was stock vs stock.
    brand new CARS off the lot.
    A few of us were lot boys at dealerships getting cars assembled and cleaned up for sale.

    also back then, we had access to old airport runways as well.
    Shepard airport turned into Shepard raceways...which turned into Calgary international raceways.
    Then in the 80 s Race city was built.

    But dumb kids kept street racing and always getting caught.

    BacK to street outlaws...
    it serves me well for Thursday night entertainment..just before Moonshiners ;)
    KW5413 likes this.
  6. KW5413 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    You are showing my age Dennis....

  7. NRA4ever Founding Member

    The older I get the less crap TV I watch. Today's programming seems to be aimed at a low IQ audience.
    OldjunkFords likes this.
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