Veterans Zone Studying CHINA - and what it might mean...

Discussion in 'Veterans Zone' started by Greywolf, Feb 1, 2017.

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  1. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    I caution each of us to look at whatever we find with circumspection and a grain of salt - if not sand. In 1976, the Japanese mint produced a yen note that bore the inscription on one of its yen notes:


    - I know, because I possess one such bank note given to me by another NAVY guy in transit when I was travelling to the Phillipine Islands for the first time. I'll take a pic of it later and show it to you, front and back...

    We were on a flight out of Alaska to Yokosuka Japan at the time, and from there to Cubi Point, and the guy had not exchanged it & thought it would be a good souvenir for me. I never traded it in - I've kept it to this day and it points to a national sense of revenge being taken on their part.

    What Japan had done was to translate the ancient teachings of Sun Tzu into financial terms, and this has progressed until in this day and age it is known that the study of WAR can be applied to all aspects of society and it's essential infrastructure...

    Carl Von Clauswitz defined WAR as "Diplomacy Carried Out By Other Means"

    In the modern era - the Japanese have redefined this idea (or paraphrased it) as:
    A) Business is war.
    B) Business therefore follows the laws of Sun Tzu...

    ~There is more than one way to reduce and occupy an opponent (ask any war gamer):cool:

    *As an example we used CHAFF PODS to destroy enemy power substations - it was (F)ing easy! F-14's just blew their chaf countermeasures RIGHT OVER high tension power substations!!! I bet you never heard that, but it worked. Shorted out power transformers and blew them up with tin foil...

    RUIN THE INFRASTRUCTURE AND LOGISTICS FIRST! And the enemy loses support...
    (But I digress)

    The Chinese have taken the idea radically further, I believe. Please view the following video (which is a long one, so be prepared) and I also note that I do not necessarily trust the people who posted it on youtube to be the original authors. Regardless, it paints some very provocative and REAL ideas.

    Watch it all the way to the end, and then PLEASE comment!

    I think there is a lot there to think about...

    *DISREGARD the stupid and inflammatory title on the video - just trust me on that. The rest of what follows is extremely interesting...

    (That's what led me to believe the video was pirated)

    ~Fer kripes sake - the poster couldn't even spell right

    If nothing else - it will provoke thought.

    The SPRATLEY ISLANDS is another issue - and that is not a new thing at all.

    Someone who was paying attention put that all together. Whoever it was, I hope it perked your thoughts up

    ~Wolf out

    PS: You know what I just don't buy off on about the EP-3?


    And only ONE could have been damaged.

    I have often thought that we wanted the Chinese to think that was the technology we were using, I bet all the stuff in it was misleading...

    It becomes confusing when we have to "COUNTERTHINK" -
    But that is the business of people way above my paygrade

    I still think that airplane was probably a disposable pile of (S)!!! :shifty:

    *Hell, anything sensitive in it would have had a line of DETCORD run through it...

    I'm guessing it was not planned, but the perfect EXERCISE regardless. If there was anything truly National Security Critical they'd have ditched at sea

    There was something about it we wanted them to have and think about... But once again I am thinking above my pay grade. Best I shut up
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2017
  2. F350-6 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    How about cliff notes for those of us with slow internet connections that don't get along so well with long videos?

    The big problem China has is, they rely too much on US to keep their economy going. I'm guessing on what your video is about, but I can see them using targeted strikes as a nuisance, but a strike crippling to us would cripple them as well.

    Rogue Chinese intelligence slipped to the DPRK, or the whole Iran nuke / Israel first strike policy situation has me more concerned in the short term.
  3. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    The thing that really does NOT make sense - is that the Spratley Islands are farther away from their own land than it is from the Phillippines or Viet nam.

    I can't see any territorial claim

    On another note - the PI is now reconsidering what it means to kick us out

    "OH - You mean we now have to face them WITHOUT you?"

    So much for big dreams of international trading ports...
    Communists in general are pretty stupid in the long run

    SO - this means we have to rebuild Cubi and Clarke?

    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, we told you so

    Just keep on fishing, we'll figure something out

    And NO! I won't buy you a (F)ing drink

    *How many times have I heard: "I am hungry - you buy me chick-on..."
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2017
  4. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    China is building up.

    Like Hitler prior to WW2
    China intends to be a super power

    What most people miss is that the minds of chinamen are as clever as our own
  5. F350-6 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    Haven't you heard? With some of the current members in congress, there's too much danger in building or expanding. Remember Rep. Johnson being worried more personnel would result in Guam being capsized?

  6. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    China has developed the ability to FILL IN atolls (coral reefs) with dredged sand so that they can CREATE islands - and they have done so.

    You must bear in mind that these are people who don't care about environmental constraints
  7. F350-6 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    And the flip side to that is, China, and Iran, and the PLO have been building up because they knew Obama wouldn't try and stop them. As you point out, the chinamen are plenty smart. They know how far they can push. When there's a pushover at 1600 Pennsylvania, they tend to get a little big for their britches. They don't want a fight any more than we do, so my guess it will be the same games we used to play with the Soviet Union now that we have a new occupant in the white house.
  8. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    But it's like when Ronnie stood up - isn't it?

    They have to be thinking:

    "Oh (S)!"

    ~No more shared nuclear secrets...

    Like lost(?) hard drives

    CLINTON WAS A TRAITOR! HE WAS! He made the world worse

    I hate that man, and make no secret about that. He was a stupid pussy addicted fool
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2017
  9. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    Rep. Johnson sounds like he was drunk off his backside...

    *Somebody please send him some Cliffs Notes and a case of V8 Juice!!!
    ~I mean DANG....

    Who elected that idiot? I didn't do it

    Georgetown is a fun place, but you GOT TO leave off the softshell crab and git you some wake up pills
  10. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    Don't know why the first video got removed, but apparently the "USER" moved or deleted it.

    I noticed today that even"Twit" video makers have noticed china's island building:
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