The Coleman Lantern Thread

Discussion in 'Other Projects' started by dustybumpers, Aug 2, 2015.

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  1. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    Sean from Southwest Chapter suggested I start the thread so we can all share our lantern collection here
    I enjoy buying them, and repairing them
    I also use them at the flea market on the weekends to set up.
    Here are a few to get us started
    This is a Primus-Seivert model 2186 2 mantle propane
    IMG_0640.JPG #ad

    Coleman model 5152C700 2 mantle propane
    IMG_0642.JPG #ad

    Coleman model 288A700 2 mantle gas dated 2/87
    IMG_0644.JPG #ad

    Coleman model 220K 2 mantle gas dated 2/82
    IMG_0645.JPG #ad

    Coleman model 288 2 mantle gas dated 6/85
    IMG_0646.JPG #ad
    Coleman model 290700 2 mantle gas dated 3/87

    IMG_0647.JPG #ad

    Coleman model 228F 2 mantle gas dated

    IMG_0648.JPG #ad

    Coleman 220K 2 mantle gas dated 9/66 IMG_0650.JPG #ad

    Coleman model 220E
    IMG_0649.JPG #ad

    IMG_0640.JPG #ad
    56panelford and wpnaes like this.
  2. JWC 3 TOTM Winner Founding Member

    All mine are old school Charlie . I will post a few pics in a few .
    56panelford and wpnaes like this.
  3. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    Sears model 476/4070 2 mantle gas
    IMG_0651.JPG #ad

    Coleman model 220 J 2 mantle gas dated 5/79
    IMG_0650.JPG #ad

    Coleman model 295-700T 2 mantle gas dated 9/03 IMG_0652.JPG #ad

    BenzOmatic Porta light 1 mantle propane
    IMG_0654.JPG #ad

    Coleman model 5152-5700 2 mantle propane
    IMG_0655.JPG #ad

    Coleman model 3405-030 2 mantle propane

    IMG_0656.JPG #ad
    56panelford and wpnaes like this.
  4. JWC 3 TOTM Winner Founding Member

    Here we go
    0504151856.jpg #ad
    56panelford and dustybumpers like this.
  5. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    I have hurricane oil lamps, and railroad lanterns too John, we can post them here too!
    56panelford and JWC 3 like this.
  6. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    If you look on the bottom, on the left is the month, on the right is the year.
    56panelford likes this.
  7. JWC 3 TOTM Winner Founding Member

    I have a few of the big hat ones in the barn . We use to fish with them glowing bright at night .
    Been a while , tags on my boat ran out in 93 .Flat bottom , keep it at the pond behind the house .
    56panelford likes this.
  8. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    I have a bunch of big hats in the shed. awesome amount of light, and the gas consumption is small.
    56panelford likes this.
  9. JWC 3 TOTM Winner Founding Member

    When my Father got out of the army air corps , he went to work for a railroad . I will get some pics of the lanterns I have from the railroad .
    56panelford likes this.
  10. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    Coleman Catalytic heater IMG_0659.JPG #ad

    IMG_0660.JPG #ad
    56panelford likes this.
  11. wpnaes Southwest Chapter

    Charlie, that's a great collection. I see you've got notes on them - good to convert those to .xls for future reference.

    If you want to de-rust that Sears and put a new coat of paint on it, I can run you through the steps. Or keep as is for that well used look.

    Here's the before/after on this

    Casitas5 (640x478).jpg #ad

    Casitas4 (640x478).jpg #ad

    Stoves are fun too!

    SStove8.jpg #ad
    56panelford likes this.
  12. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    The sears has a few holes in the pot, so she'll be a shelf queen.
    The blue "robot" from 48 is all apart now being restored.
    I have more lanterns, but I didn't want to appear to be a hoarder
    56panelford likes this.
  13. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    I only have these stoves so far
    IMG_0657.JPG #ad

    IMG_0658.JPG #ad

    IMG_0663.JPG #ad
    56panelford likes this.
  14. wpnaes Southwest Chapter

    Sears2 (593x800).jpg #ad
    Yep, been in the same boat, repaired the rusted section with bondo and/or JB weld. Both have held up well under pressure. Wet spots is CF leaking out the rust hole.

    Sears4 (800x600).jpg #ad
    56panelford likes this.
  15. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    I have a Coleman that has the same size pot, Generator is shot.
    One day I may rebuild the sears out of that one

    Getting parts lanterns is pretty easy at the flea market, the people see me using them, so they bring them to me to purchase from them
    56panelford likes this.
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