Veterans Zone The "FORD LEGION" - that's just plain funny...

Discussion in 'Veterans Zone' started by Greywolf, Jun 1, 2015.

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  1. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    I swear I don't know why things sometimes seem to just "CLICK" somewhere in the dark recesses of my brain housing group, but that came out of the blue when I was logging in and saw in the upper left of my screen: "MODERATION"

    I thought "What the hell? I'm not a moderator anymore..."

    Also funny is that I looked around as if to see if anyone was watching before I clicked on it. :Danim
    ~Part of being me is - being me.

    Turns out I needed to okay a new veteran here, Pepper32.

    In that, I also opened a greetings and you are now official kinda like thread - which I suppose was inevitable. So I guess my transition is now complete.

    I never made Chief, much less Master Chief (similar to Top Sarge in other branches) so I guess here at Veterans Zone I'm a sort of an "NCO of the Command" in a manner of speaking.

    But the "FORD LEGION"... Something about that just feels damned right on, even though it would be wrong or misleading to change the name of the group or chapter or whatever we are, that right there seems like the most APT nickname of all time.

    As opposed to Foreign Legion, here we are all of a mind and similar/dissimilar backgrounds and may come and go over time if we are out of trucks if we think that's a big deal. But it's a fraternity and a sorority that is unquestionably one of a kind!

    Ain't that just too cool...

    It's peculiar in a way. Active duty, retired, reserves, or veterans period - but supportive of one another even though outside of all chains of command. The fifth column to end all fifth columns - we support care of our own and whatever we can do for our troops in the field or underway. (within limits. Beware of posting ANY OPSEC information here - it is worldwide viewable)
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2015
    Archion likes this.
  2. IDMooseMan Vet Zone TOTM Winner

    I am still finding places on this site that I haven't visited yet, Dutch, and this one of them. Since I'm here, I thought I'd say, "Hi" to you and anyone else who drops in for a minute or two.
  3. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    First time I noticed this thread too.
  4. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member where has it been hiding? It popped up in my "Alerts", but only for Craig's post...I guess Ken doesn't count.;)anim
  5. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    Odd, I wrote it when first it occurred to me to welcome people to the VETZONE area by saying "Welcome to the FORD LEGION".

    That was months back, man.
  6. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    One of those ghostly cyber space thingys..........
  7. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    I always wondered why it didn't seem to have been seen.
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