Veterans Zone v.a. bennies

Discussion in 'Veterans Zone' started by johnp, Mar 23, 2019.

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  1. johnp Vet Zone

    I have had tinnitus since Viet Nam.... 105 artillery. Never gave much thought about the ringing in my ears, just thought it was a nuisance that I got stuck with. A friend said that the most disability benefits the v.a. pays out is for tinnitus. Went to the v.a. for a shot and mentioned it to the doc. Said that my M.O.S. was a gimmie/automatic, as many other M.O.S.'s are. He set up a hearing test and to make a long story short, three months later the v.a. awarded me 10% ($140.00 per mo.) and two hearing aids that cost $6000.00. This was completely unexpected. I always felt the bennies were for REAL SERIOUS injuries.
    I have a "slight" hearing loss, something anyone could live with. Wife says its selective. Doc. says the aids will over-ride the ringing.
    Just a thought for any of you that might have that bothersome ringing/hissing aggravation.
    semper fi
  2. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    Good to know about the "ringing in the ears.
    I suffer terrible from it
    Thanks for the bump

    BTW, you need to let @Fabman know you need a vet ribbon under your name

    Thanks for your service
  3. johnp Vet Zone

    Be sure and follow through. My friend was in the airforce and qualified. Like I said, its a gimmie and the most claims for disability are for tinnitus. Lemme know if you follow up.
    semper fi

    p.s. although my hearing isnt a problem, doc. said H. Aids would over-ride the noise.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2019
  4. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Part of my disability is for that. Had some meds for a bit, but they didn't work that well. Hearing test seemed to be fine. I was deficient in a couple of ranges, but there isn't a lot they can do about it in those frequency ranges. I believe those are the frequency ranges The Warden (my wife) most often communicates in.
  5. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Jesus, the prices they try to charge on hearing aids!

    Costco has doctors who do hearing tests and they sell hearing aids for a fraction of that. They cost under $50 to make simple ones and up to $150 for the most complex, and the profit margins are obscene (even for Costco!). It's just a very inexpensive DSP with a bit of software. Consider that a top of the line iPad Pro runs about $1500, and the massive amount of technology in it. Just across the border in Canada, a top of the line set of hearing airs runs about $1500.

    Hearing aids are like glasses. Almost every "brand" is made by one of 4 large companies who control the industry.
  6. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    The hearing aids we ended up having to have - doctor ordered - for my mother are $1600. Just had to replace them in December thanks to my sisters dogs.
    And that is Costco. They are rechargeable so at least we don't have to buy batteries all the time.
  7. johnp Vet Zone

    The audiologist said they cost "around" $6000.00. If that's the case it sounds like the v.a. (us) is getting ripped off. I had no idea of the costs of h.aids could vary that much. Maybe I outta tell 'em to get them at Costco and save some money... HA.... Now I feel guilty. Like I said before, I only have a slight hearing problem, mostly wife and g.daughters. Could do o.k. w/out them.
    semper fi
  8. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    I think they are like used cars. They have a sliding scale that goes from pieces of junk to excellent deals to tow to 4 times what they are actually worth. I get adds for $5000 hearing aid at least once a week. We got my mother a set of the 300 variety originally. Nothing but problems, feedback and they hated TV noise. Broke down and went with the $1600 pair and my mother was at peace. When my 92 year old Scotch Irish mother is at peace, so are we. Her neighbors a 1/2 mile down the road no longer have to listen to her TV.
    Drives my sister nuts though. My mother can now hear my sister and brother in law plotting against her when they are in the next room over.
    dustybumpers likes this.
  9. KW5413 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    I have had tinnitus for years and my hearing loss is significant. Especially at the higher range. Drops off like a 10,000 foot cliff. 10 years ago I spent big $$$ on rechargeable aids. Damned things wouldn't hold up more than 8 hours. After that, we discovered that United Health Care (our health insurance at the time) offered their own, in-house aids for my out of pocket cost of $ 800.00. That was about 6 years ago. Still have them but, rarely use them. Which, of course, pisses The Queen smooth off. They are not worth a damn in ''busy'' venues like noisy restaurants. The background noise makes them useless.

    When first tested, the doc asked me what I might have done, in my youth, to cause the hearing loss. Other than ''Livin' Large'', I started the list with motor cycles, loud cars, rock & roll (played drums with bass speakers blaring at me). Air Force flight lines. 50 cal. machine guns, M-16s and, the coup de gras...40mm grenade launchers. Then, topped off with decades of bird hunting. Oh, yeah...manufacturing plants and construction sites.

    Ear protection, you say? I don't need no stinking ear protection.

    Last edited: Mar 27, 2019
    Seabiscuit and dustybumpers like this.
  10. johnp Vet Zone

    I'll let ya know if it's a waste of time. Audioist said if they don't help...bring em back.
    semper fi
  11. KW5413 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    Touching back on this...From what I have learned, the best hearing aids can do is mask the tinnitus. And that is if they produce their own audio of some kind. Even if it is just a hummmmm. Or, some of the fancy-dancy ones allow for Bluetooth play back and you can play Tunes through your hearing aids. Like....

  12. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    My cousin, Capt., US Army Special Forces (Green Beret), 2 tours Nam, is almost completely deaf without his hearing aids, supplied by the VA. He's not much better than deaf WITH them. His main problem with them is that they are pretty big and can be uncomfortable to wear for long period. When you talk with him, you face him so he can see your lips moving and you have to elevate your voice for him to hear. BAE ruptured both ear drums and rattled his cage while living with the natives.
  13. johnp Vet Zone

    Sorry for your cousin. My aids are not bigger than a peanut (in the shell) and once installed in my ear holes I can't even tell they are there. Nobody can see them. I can tell a diff. in hearing but the darn ringing is still there. Audio said give it a month for my pea brain to "learn" the use of them and said they are going to send me a machine that you turn on while in bed and it will 'white noise' me to sleep ???? and a streaming device for the t.v. ??? I think i'm getting a lot of stuff I don't really need and will return it if it's of no use.
    Once again my sympathy and thanks to your cuz.

    B.T.W. Just bought a S&W MP semi. auto. carbine w/30 rd. mag. any experience with one ? Haven't shot it yet, just ogling it for now.
    semper fi
    Seabiscuit likes this.
  14. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    I tried the stupid a** white noise machine.
    waste of time and money. Kept me awake

    Get a nice, small fan, and put it on medium.
    It is about the same pitch as the noise in your/my ears, and keeps the air flow fresh too.
    works like a charm for about $12 at wally world
    Seabiscuit likes this.
  15. bubba man 777 Vet Zone

    hello JOHN i also get dissability from my ears - i was a grunt lots of noise - well welcome home BROTHER
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