Veterans Zone Va Hospital Experiance.

Discussion in 'Veterans Zone' started by masakimm, Apr 23, 2018.

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  1. masakimm Vet Zone

    Well Had a trip to the Va today. The care is getting better. I expected today to talk to them bout surgery on my knee and instead Walked out with surgery date and all I need for the surgery. Several years ago I had to fight to get my gallbladder surgery done. took 6 months to get my surgery and that was with visiting the ER once a week or more. So was really surprised today. Expected to meet with my knee doctor today and get setup for an appointment to meet with the surgeon and from there schedule the appointment later in the fall for my knee.
  2. masakimm Vet Zone

    Seabiscuit I did search but could not find one so started this one.
    Seabiscuit likes this.
  3. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Not a problem. Like I said, it is really, really old and probably completely irrelevant to today or the last few months for that matter. Besides, if you blow the cob webs off, you'll disturb the spiders.:rofl:anim
    masakimm likes this.
  4. Heavydoc Vet Zone

    I'm glad you are having a good experience with the VA.
    Seabiscuit likes this.
  5. masakimm Vet Zone

    We will see after the 7th
  6. masakimm Vet Zone

    So had My Surgery went well other then the fact that they had me show up at 0830 and didn't even get me in the back till 1000. And it was another hour till they took me in for the surgery. So still issues with the system but they are atleast trying harder then in the past. Got to call them up and asks some questions that I know they answered yesterday but I was to out of it to remember. plus I noticed a little blood on the bandage but I'm not suppose to remove it till tomorrow or Thursday.
  7. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    The VAMC in Portland has been really good for me. Of course I have the Warden to get the instructions, bring me home and then "enforce the law". A post op nurse usually calls the next day to check up on me and the doc calls 3 to 5 days later. They always give the Warden a number for a post op nurse that can be contacted 24/7 if there is a problem. Thankfully we only had to call it once for a minor problem that the nurse gave us easy instructions to correct and saved us a 70 mile one way trip back to the hospital.

    Here's hoping and praying you have a very rapid and complete recovery.
  8. masakimm Vet Zone

    Yeah still waiting for a call back from the nurse to find out bout my meds going on 3.5 hours.
  9. masakimm Vet Zone

    Welp at the Va To see the liver doctor for elevated enzymes which according to the doctor is because Im fat not be cause I have been taking 800mg Ibuprofen for 23 years. I for see a fight in my future.


    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ibuprofen contributes to liver inflammation. Although it is not as toxic as acetaminophen, excess ibuprofen may lead to toxic hepatitis. Too much ibuprofen causes a rise in the production of alanine aminotransferase, or ALT, a liver enzyme that is released when liver cells are damaged or are dying.

    Hummmm my alt numbers are high I wonder what could be causing this.:fubar:anim
  10. masakimm Vet Zone

    So My weight is up but yet my ALT numbers are down. Guess it wasn't the weight. Maybe its the fact I have cut back on ibuprofen. So since they cant blame the weight(yet they want me to loose 20 lbs) they ordered a battery of blood tests which required a gallon of blood(atleast that's what it felt like) so we will see if I get a call or not.
  11. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Isn't it interesting how things that seem to help with the little day to day pains (like Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen) also seem to kill you?
    A couple of my post op nurses about had a cow when they found out that I was taking Aleve just once in a while, and never more than 4 tablets a day to deal with chronic pain in my busted up back. When I left the VA hospital that trip, I had a bottle of Mapap pills with an Rx for 3 refills along with a big admonishment to not take more than 4,000 mg per day "from all sources". I've never had a bad liver test. My granddaughter had a liver transplant at 6 months old.
  12. masakimm Vet Zone

    yeah they have tried others but they didn't work and they are just as bad for me. but 23 years taken it is my biggest problem. I have been able to decrease my intake since my surgery so we will see how it goes.
  13. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    I'm dealing with the Memphis VA Med Cen now, still have to work things with the DAV reps there.
    But getting registered 15 years late went pretty well -

    If you go there and have old books there is a cart you can pick one from and drop some off to make the wait less tedious

    CIAO, Wolfie
  14. 1970something TOTM Winner Founding Member

    good to see ya still kicking Wolfie.
  15. masakimm Vet Zone

    I have seen the Va hospitals improve as the years have gone by. hopefully they will treat u will. I get to go in april and argue with them over my liver problems they said it was my weight I have lost the weight and still have liver problems. It could not be because of meds I have been taking for 24 years now.
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