Veterans Zone WHY I joined the military...

Discussion in 'Veterans Zone' started by Greywolf, Jan 17, 2017.

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  1. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    It goes a lot deeper than this, and you know you hafta have a damn good reason to just up and say,: "Hell, this is the only way I have left to go..."

    For some people it's a way up, for others a way out, in earlier times you had no choice, and for still another bunch of people it is just a thing you always wanted to do

    But even if Bruce Springsteen seems to some like a Hollywood kinda guy - I love the way he put this - the day I ran out on Poppa, because I HAD TO

    ~ I deserved my own life, and that was the only way to GET it

    *Thank you in advance, and I hope a lot of talking goes on here

    Last edited: Jan 18, 2017
  2. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    Bruce Springsteen, great singer-writer, political and for the "working man". Classified 4F and supported veterans. What a voice and instrumentals.

    Why do people join the military? After near 30 years of experience, and the last few years as counselor because of position after 'promotion' into the abyss of never-ending paperwork after an active op career. Everybody has their own reasons, i discovered that most were straight out of high school, had lost a girlfriend or boyfriend, wrecked their car and didn't like their job if they had one. Then joined the military for a steady paycheck and usually travel to neat places. Only a few mentioned service to country, though i hope they 'evolve' into that if they continue in the military. I myself had a high draft number and likely wouldn't have been inducted, didn't like the jobs i'd had in the stockyards or pumping gas, wrecked my car and lost a girlfriend. And i had a sense of service formed from my dad being a state trooper and mother a social worker, then a registered nurse.

    After being in a few years, i loved the technical job, awesome ships, fantastic liberty in other countries, and a growing awareness of America in the world. My first and second re-enlisments were for the bonus dough and duty in Japan and deploying out of Pearl (i really like the Asian style.) And contributing to the U.S. military, an often-used arm of the old civilians in political power. I liked some of our leaders, disliked others, that didn't matter much because i looked to do my own small part in the Navy. Vol'd for ship duty, submarines, an air squadron, Gulf War I. Anyhoo, after i turned about 27yo, I stayed in because of a sense of contributing to a good purpose.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2017
  3. captchas

    had 2 choices , navy or the draft?
  4. D. Yaros

    The draft! Remember that? Us Vietnam era folk do!
    belchfire likes this.
  5. Fabman In Memoriam Vet Zone Staff Alumni Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    1966. My dad, a 26 year Navy veteran, got me an appoint to Annapolis. I turned it down and joined the Army! I came from a long time military family, and thought it was my duty to fight for my country. I've never regretted the decision even after serving two and a half tours in Viet Nam...
    RexB likes this.
  6. helifixer TOTM Winner Southwest Chapter

    I have had a bad back since I was 12, had it not been for that I think I would have joined.
  7. captchas

    talk about a long history of being a navy family? here is how far mine goes back, "1895" the sailor at the left front was my great uncle .think we all can see who stands at the head of the casket of McKinnely . uncle joe was lucky to be transferred off the maine right before it left what's now little creek bound for cuba

    uncle_joe.jpg #ad
  8. belchfire

    I joined the Navy in 1976 to become a certified welder. Some of the best training and education that I've ever received. One of the last to get the G.I. bill education. V.A. and other benefits. The advise I've given to anyone considering joining is to sign up for every class and get as much training as you can.
  9. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Joined the Navy to avoid being disowned by the family. G Granddad was Navy, Granddad was Navy WW1, Uncle was on a Carrier near Wake at the outbreak of WWII, did something "stupid" in Korea that got him a medal (all he would ever tell me), and ended up on a Mine Sweeper sniping mines with an M1 Garand and doing "in shore close support" for the USS New Jersey when she was sending 16" shells inland. Dad was at Ford Island and then spent the rest of the war at a Naval Air Station in Klamath Falls Oregon calibrating and testing Norden I joined the Navy to uphold the tradition and save the world.
    While working on some special stuff overseas, we were kept incommunicado for a couple of months. Mother got worried and a friend of hers in the Red Cross made an inquiry. Upon return to the P.I., I was summoned to the C.O.'s office. I was informed that I would go to the base telephone exchange, I would call home and I would tell them that the US Navy will notify them if anything were to happen to me, "or you need your diaper changed". They would not call the Red Cross again. There was also some mention of the FBI or NIS paying them a visit.
    3 minute collect phone call cost them $75.00. Never had that problem again.
  10. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    I wound up an IMA electronics tech - but my heart was always in HOTRODS.

    ~I hung out as much as I could with other rates so I could learn welding and metal working

    *I think I was the only one from IM3 on USS Nimitz that was truly accepted by the GSE crowd.... We used to hang out in the main parking lot and get plastered together at PSNS (People stationed there called it "Penis Anus")

    One of the guys had a great big four wheel drive that we SWORE had a radiator leak, because that was where we pee'd when we got full

    ~Just behind the left front tire

    May the "GREEN MONSTER" forever rule!!!

    *And when the vitamins run out of you - the snow isn't yellow anymore
    (just sayin')

    Olympia is good beer...

    WHERE THE HELL IS SDELwood when we need him? Do you mean to say he isn't sick of FTE yet? Someone please invite him....

    Tell him I want to know if he ever bought the BREWING book.... :woot:

    You can find him in the super duty part of it, if he hasn't been disgusted by now. :(
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2017
  11. XDM45 Vet Zone Founding Member

    Went into the marines because my dad was a career marine.....

    Then I read Marine!: The Life of Chesty Puller and was hooked.....:D

    Oh yeah. I sucked in high school.....had a dead end restaurant job.....and no real I said "WTF" and jumped in.

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