Banning Diesels, Idiot Or Does He Have Good Points?

Discussion in 'General Automotive Discussion' started by FTZ HAIC, Oct 3, 2015.

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  1. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    From my Flight Engineer days, JP4 was widely and almost exclusively used by the USAF. JP5 was the mainstay primary jet fuel of the US Navy. In fact, we had to land at an Air Force base to even find JP4.
    JP 5 had a higher flash point than JP 4 and it had a deicer added to it. JP 5 had a higher weight per gallon that I had to compensate for on the weight and balance sheets. Jp8 is the current replacement, at least for JP4 I believe, although it came into service after I was done with it. JP8 has a higher flash point than JP 4, but not as high as JP 5 and costs less than JP 5. They are used in diesel engines, oil furnaces and other diesel operated vehicles including Army vehicles that I used after turning "traitor" to the Navy.
    It's funny because they liked to tell us when I was going through the F/E schools and some related mechanical schools that the stuff would "eat the seals" right out of your diesel engines so never put it in your tank. Obviously stated to keep young military types from the age old art of military "Comshaw".

    The author of the referenced article has more problems than just being dropped on his head. The article should be entitled, "In My UNEDUCATED Opinion". That's all it is, a biased opinion piece.
    Campspringsjohn likes this.
  2. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    I'll bet the guy would go insane if anyone pointed out that many houses still use "Heating Oil"...
  3. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    "Oh I don't like that - so you and everyone else just can't have it..."

    Shikes - is there an "Al Gore" gene that we should be worried about spreading through the young of this planet? JESUS CHRIST!

    Kill it off before we all become stupid by CONTAGION!!!

    BILL screwed everything that moved through his office, why wouldn't Al have got sloppy seconds?


    What can we do about it?



    I can read write and spell, I bet Gore doesn't like the idea that I can be smarter than he is, let alone Hillary

    And then there are OBAMA genes.

    I think we need a lot more chlorine in the pool. I see scum in it...
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2015
    Campspringsjohn and Paul Masley like this.
  4. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Started a long, long time ago. Laws regarding which days of the week you can serve alcohol (if you can serve it at all and then at what hours of the day), prostitution laws, helmet laws, seat belt laws, gambling laws, etc.
  5. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    I live in a place where you can only buy alcohol drinks at a store from Monday to Friday from 8 AM to 12 PM, and on SUNDAY (ooh ahh...) only after 12 noon.

    BIBLE country in other words. Separation of church and state is mingled without remorse...

    In California you can buy anything you want at any time of day or the week - which to me is an expression of the belief that you are free to do as you believe is right. Except after one AM (which I have never figured out)

    In Virginia these things are similarly confused, so what I have come to think is that governments do indeed intrude upon what the elected few think you should and should not have as personal rights regardless of common sense.

    If I have a crapload of booze already stored in my house, who cares what the liquor laws say?

    And therefore the laws themselves are spurious

    With a bit of forethought, the only ones those laws affect are merchants

    Who does that hurt?

    BUT YOU CAN BUY POT 24/7/365



    Who are they kidding?
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2015
  6. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    It hurts people who are employed by the merchants to sell it. It hurts restaurant servers who serve drinks (and therefore higher checks/tips) the rest of the week. It hurts the occasional drinker who doesn't stockpile alcohol, who decides on a Sunday they want a beer while they mow the lawn, but can't get one.
  7. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    So what we are saying is that individuals are not impacted, except if they are employed in the sale of it?

    Those who exercise a bit of forethought are unaffected.

    Bluntly - it's an anti-merchant law

    ~or either~
    "We do not want you to suck money from our collection plates or cause our brethren to get drunk and skip services on that account"

    ~ Frankly, collusion between church and government - isn't that so?

    I thought CHURCH and STATE were supposed to be separate?

    Silly me, I guess that is just another LIE I am supposed to sweep under the rug...

    So what does it mean if I believe in rock and roll and people?
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2015
  8. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    :giggle:animUnless you are in a certain town nearby, (which has a total ban from the days of prohibition), you can buy booze just about any time you want from 0700 to 0200. They cut it off at 0200 so the Highway crews can have a few hours to scrape the road kills off the road without becoming road kills themselves and the cops have a couple of hours to catch up on their paper work.:giggle:anim:clap:anim

    There again, you can also have democratic idiots in the state legislature like we do here in Oregon. The sky is falling, so they pass a Cap & Trade carbon law that will cause a thousand times more carbon into the air just getting the ethanol here (or material to make it), in addition to promoting the destruction of the rain forests to provide room for the sugar cane fields. Oh yes, and kiss the rear ends of the California ethanol companies that lined the state house halls lobbying the legislators this passed spring.
  9. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    You ah - are in the same state where you the purchaser cannot pump your own fuel because it was decided that people who drive cars are not smart enough to fill them up right, yeah?


    ~ It was kind of refreshing to have a guy come out to "Fill 'er up..." just like in the old days, but I mean, come on now
  10. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    The ban on self service is state law, but hails primarily from the State Fire Marshal and the Insurance Lobby.

    You CAN pump your own diesel with a few stations opting to not allow it, but that is their choice not State Law.. You can pump your own gas out on "the Res", and it is among some of the most expensive gas on the West Coast including the Beach Resort areas.

    The "self pumpers" keep yakking about gas being cheaper if we would be able to pump our own gas. BULL CRAP, let me repeat that BULL CRAP! I've been across the border to Washington many, many, many times and I can tell you how much cheaper their "self serve" gas IS NOT! Right here in Oregon, some of the most expensive Diesel is at stations that allow / encourage "self serve" diesel. An attendant will not even come over to the pump unless you've sat there for half and hour.

    Has nothing to do with the intelligence quota or the amount of useable gray vegetable material located between the ears. Has to do with older folks not wanting to get out of their cars and use walkers to get to the pump, women who want nothing to do with it, Yuppies who don't want to have to get their hands dirty, health nuts that know they are going to die of cancer if they even get the hint of gas on them along with "one click rule", a Dept. of Environmental Quality OAR(law) that bans "topping off tanks" - spilled gas causes carbon problems and destroys the ozone layer don't you know- and the list goes on.

    Having said that, I am firmly in the "I will pump my own" column. Tired of pulling away from the pump with less than a full tank. With the pickup, I've had to hand feed up to 16 gallons into the tank because the nozzle kept shutting off.
    Campspringsjohn likes this.
  11. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Put it this way, whether or not a person has forethought it can still impact things such an impulse buy on a Sunday. The merchant might not get the sale at all.

    Let's take me for example. I am not someone who stocks up and plans alcohol in advance unless it was a special event (and that's rare). I do have some things in a cabinet, but not because I stock up... but because when I buy a bottle of Jack it might take months to finish it.

    When it does cross my mind to buy something, it's sometimes been on a Sunday. The merchant doesn't end up getting that sale on Monday, because odds are I might not think about it again for days, weeks or months. There are many occasional drinkers like me, maybe they are even the norm, I don't know.
  12. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    I'm firmly of the belief gas stations ought to be able to decide on their own whether or not to have people available to pump gas. It's a fundamental infringement on the ability for a business to decide what's best for them and their customers, verses government deciding they know better.
  13. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    I could agree with that if the merchant deciding to buy a station or opening a new station in Oregon did not already know that that was the way it was. There is not a single owner of a gas station in Oregon that did not know he would have to supply attendants. If he doesn't agree with it he can change the law. By the way, there have been initiative petitions in Oregon to allow self serve. The people of Oregon themselves voted it down. Another reason it doesn't gain much traction in the legislature. The Dems got control and don't want to tick of the people and loose that control.

    The republicans did get a bill through the legislature this past spring to allow self serve in counties with little population and wide expanses between gas stations and the limited hours of operation. The idea was that bimbo who did not think to fill his tank up with gas, takes off in the middle of the night to make a trip he does not have the gas for. They can now have a self serve station behind the next tumble weed where they can get gas.
    Not sure how that is going to work...would have to be a card lock affair like the commercial refueling stations. I doubt "mom & pop" are going to have anyone manning a cash register at 0300 in the morning for the once or twice a week customer, so it would have to be a credit card operated machine.

    Don - Fabman - lives in a county that would be allowed self serve under that new law. He might have some info on it. Nothing on my side of the state would qualify nor is it a political hot potato so it doesn't make any news around here. Besides, we have "Da Res" where I can do self serve....although they are usually much higher than any other station. Diesel is low enough to save driving the extra miles to get to the cheaper stations, but gas isn't.
  14. Kajtek1 Founding Member

    Last time I pumped in Oregon, there was 1 attendant for 10 pumps.
    I could not start pumping diesel without him activating the pump with my CC. The cashier inside would not take my money. Took forever to get the things going.
    Good thing at the end I was allowed to hold the nozzle as my truck can take 3-4 gallons after first nozzle shut off.
    I will not even go into previous years experience when driving diesel Mercedes I was always offered gasoline.
    Stopping with fuel door at diesel pump never gave a clue to the attendants.
  15. OldjunkFords Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    You outta-staters don't know the game.......... plenty of non-PC gas stations out there where once you get the pump started, you can mind it yourself, and let it kick back until you have the filler-neck full.

    NEVER get fuel directly off the interstate or in the Portland metro area or Eugene.
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