Veterans Zone Current Status of World Power

Discussion in 'Veterans Zone' started by Greywolf, Feb 14, 2017.

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  1. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

  2. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    Is that still current after President Duterte took power and said he was cancelling the agreement?
  3. F350-6 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    They've built their entire wealth on cheaply made products that have made most items in todays society disposable. With that mindset, why would you expect them to take care of anything? Why maintain when you can just replace with something else new and improved for not much money? That is until it catches up with your whole country and that little infrastructure things rears it's ugly head.
  4. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    Good news under the last budget, more Army troops, and junior officers, in 28:1 ratio. i've got to find reliable stats on the overall ratio of enlisted to officer.

    Bad news. China keeps pressing Taiwan and our other allies in Westpac.

  5. captchas

    one hip hip from me.
    the coast guard isn't loosing that 1.4 billion after all. i'm giving every service member active or former from every branch a big thank you for writing .phoning.emailing their government official saying no way, they to much with to little to old already
    baling wire and duct tape isn't working any more
    RexB likes this.
  6. captchas

  7. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    They were probably trying to figure out if the new Sheriff in town remembered to load his six shooter or if he was just a bag of cold air like his predecessor.
    It would be interesting to know what type of "warning" action the Bush CTG took.
  8. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    Good that we have a carrier back in the Gulf, it's been gapped since December for the first time in years. The French aircraft carrier was there for a while to fill in, they've got a good Navy. They just aren't used to sea time longer than a couple of weeks lol.

    The last Nimitz carrier *sigh*...i was on the second one, USS Eisenhower, and Dutch was on two different ones i think. This'll be the 3rd aircraft carrier class I've served on and seen the end of production. Getting old or something.

    Our allies Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, UAE are in the Gulf, we have right of passage. The IRGC is hardcore militants itching for a fight. I just hope to hell that when we shoot back at them that we are prepared to go in heavy and long. We've got lots of Air Force on Qatar/UAE and Marines amphib group there now. It will be bad news, but if they don't allow freedom of navigation then we can either fight or whimper. Iran has many Russian SSM's and SAM's on their coastline, we'll likely lose a few ships and many aircraft.
  9. captchas

    article states she left Norfolk on jan 21's which means her orders came from the past potus
    crazy Iranians right away tried going after her.
  10. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    She's had enough time to sail twice around the globe.....The new Sheriff is calling the "shots" now and I suspect there is a whole new set of ROE in effect. The question is how far will they go to test the new ROE and the Op Sec of the CTG, or any US ship for that matter.
  11. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    The GULCH of OMAN - black stinky water, sand blowing out from shore almost a hundred miles away. Giant venomous sea snakes, and extreme humidity. One of the tech issues is dealing with condensation - a lot of the electronics/avionics are sealed and filled with dry nitrogen to prevent crispy critterization, especially in waveguides. At altitude everything exposed to the heat and humidity on deck has condensation on it - if you take a camera out of your shop to shoot pictures from the rail you have to wait twenty or thirty minutes for the lens to stay clear.

    ~And now it sounds like things are heating up in the worst way. Thank you very little President Urkel...
  12. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    Not only heat humidity and sea snakes. Remember the smells... sailing out of sight of land in the Indian Ocean, we hit a cesspool. A hundred miles later the stench got worse as we passed Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and the southern tip of India to the starboard. Heading on to Hormuz we passed Oman and Karachi Pakistan. Phew. I don't understand how civilizations 3,000 years old let themselves fail in sanitation like that. Overcrowding and corruption i guess. They are far beyond Detroit.

    In other forgotten places we have soldiers fighting in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya. Sinai. Drones and airstrikes in Somalia and Yemen. Drone and supply bases in central Africa. Three troops in Afghanistan were shot by another Taliban wearing an Afghan army uniform. The Pentagon wants more troops in Libya to help clean up against ISIS - we and the Brits and half of the Libyan governments have helped decimate the guesstimated numbers of Daesh fighters from about 7,000 to a few hundred. Or they went off to fight the French in Mali.

    I hardly see mentions of this on the TV news. BBC and France24 carry a bit of it . Some good news is our Marines, Army Rangers, USAF, the original Syrian rebels, Kurds and Iraqis have surrounded Mosul and reached the big dam near Raqqa.

    Senators want Sinai Peninsula reclassified as a war zone for 725 troops there Mar 25, 2017

    Syrian militia backed by U.S. fights to Tabqa dam near IS-held Raqqa Mar 24, 2017

    Pentagon wants to keep ground troops in Libya and go on offense in Somalia Mar 24, 2017

    Taliban offensive expels Afghan and US forces from Helmand District HQ, opium trade route Mar 23, 2017

    3 US Soldiers Shot in Afghanistan by Afghan soldier; 8,400 U.S. troops remain Mar 19, 2017

    Trump Sends 400 More Troops to Syria Against Islamic State; 2,500 reinforcements to Kuwait Mar 9, 2017
  13. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    I'm guessing the chips are flying again right now, who's got odds on Japan's response to the missile NK just splashed into their waters?

    That fat kid over there is out of his Kimchee sucking mind!!!
  14. F350-6 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    And I always thought the next nuke would be a first strike from Israel against Iran.

    Now we've got to wonder if it will be a strike from DPRK, or one from Japan or South Korea fired on the North. Although I don't see why the DPRK government couldn't be taken out or crippled without nukes. The only thing that really needs to be handled is China's response. They threw a wrench in things last time we were there.
  15. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    The response from China I haven't heard any hard detail on so far - a year ago they were in the USA's face with their South China Sea crap, but now NK is the bad guy...
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