Veterans Zone FEMALE VETERANS - what about them?

Discussion in 'Veterans Zone' started by Greywolf, May 12, 2015.

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  1. F350-6 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    We have a special Vet section here at FTZ. If you actually browse through the threads, you'll see little perks like this pop up. Or you can just go directly to the thread here and follow the instructions. :)
  2. XDM45 Vet Zone Founding Member

    Well. Obviously I actually browsed through the threads and found 'Veterans Zone'....which gave me this wonderful thread 'Female Veterans'.......

    But apparently there's a forum-within-a-forum called 'Vet Zone' in which you can apply for that cool banner.......:p

    I'll check it out. My 'Founding Member' tag.......which made me feel like I gained several inches after just one treatment when I first got looking kind of ......'inadequate' now....

    ***Update. Join request sent......
  3. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Sounds similar to what many some religious groups use as a reason women must cover themselves -- because otherwise it might cause distraction for the men. Or what has been said about gays in the military, when in fact countless gays have served with honor. I believe the Israelis have shown woman can handle combat roles in co-ed situations and the men trust them to cover their backs.
  4. XDM45 Vet Zone Founding Member

    C'mon, Ken......You can't tell me there's not a difference in behavior when a woman is present.......

    And regarding are correct. They ain't so 'noticeable' though.......and until recently (and probably to some extent, 'still'.....) their status was hidden from view.

    Regarding the Israelis.......It's 'all hands on deck'.......for obvious reasons. They don't really have a choice but to utilize 100% of their adult population. That's just reality. And necessity.
  5. KW5413 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    And may be here, at some point in our future.

    As an aside: The women in my family are pretty damned tough and pretty damned accurate with a weapon. Though I am not sure if they can pull a wounded comrade to safety. Not by lack of wants...but by a like of coulds.
  6. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    I never said there wasn't a difference.

    However, any argument that women are not effective in combat side by side with men have been disproven. The U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine did a study which showed women do not negatively impact combat readiness. The Canadian and Danish armed forces lifted their bans after their own studies came to similar conclusions.

    So necessity has shown women to be effective side by side with men in combat. Doesn't this prove my point? Much as necessity in WWII proved women were capable of taking on many of the jobs in the private sector men said they weren't suited for.

    Take a look at our own history.... similar arguments about undermining unit cohesion, combat readiness, people treating the soldier differently, etc. were once made about racial integration. What it the black guy's fault, or the bias of those in a mixed unit he was in?
  7. XDM45 Vet Zone Founding Member

    Again. Men and women really ARE different........and that doesn't change with societal norms.

    And yet again. We're speaking of an all-volunteer military with a relatively low percentage serving versus the population at-large. We're not a universal conscription nation (like Israel) surrounded by hostiles.

    Hey. Don't get me wrong. I love the pics of the IDF chicks in uniform toting machine guns as much as the next man........:inlove:anim
  8. KW5413 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member


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  9. XDM45 Vet Zone Founding Member

  10. XDM45 Vet Zone Founding Member

    I have a thing for female military pilots.......
    FTZ Peggy likes this.
  11. KW5413 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    Cause you like them on top and in control. :rofl:anim

    Boy, you sure can degrade a thread...:wasntme:anim
  12. XDM45 Vet Zone Founding Member

    Yeah. I fear.

    Apologies for anyone who takes offense. It's a serious topic. And my main point stands. Whether in actual combat or not......Females suffer from PTSD also.....and it's seldom mentioned.

    Maybe it's the old-fashioned 'hold open the door' part of me that doesn't want to see them fighting on the front lines........Freaking sue me...........
  13. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Again, I never said they weren't different. So, the question I pose is are they inferior soldiers because they are different?
  14. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Oh, and just to let you know... I am playing devil's advocate.

    Personally I don't want to see women in combat. But that has to do with my sensibilities, the whole chivalry thing, but I don't have any real logical reasons they shouldn't be -- the data wouldn't back me up. Hope I explained that well. ??
  15. FTZ Peggy Staff Member Vet Zone Founding Member

    Here's an interesting study about PTSD and the differences in Men and Women

    I have known private sector nurses and doctors (female) who work in trauma, emergency medicine, ICU, etc who also develop PTSD from their experiences. Once again, I think the treatment should fit the individual. When I was a kid, I watched a neighborhood boy pick up a firecracker that he thought was a dud. It went off while he was studying it, and lost his eyesight for life. The image is as clear today as it was then. I still hate the smell of firecrackers. My brothers were there too, but they don't even remember the kid, let alone the incident. Some people are affected differently by the same circumstance.

    When I was stationed in Great Lakes for A school, the common name for the women's barracks was "Dikes Castle." I guess since most of the guys couldn't get any, they figured we were all lesbians. I personally don't care about peoples sexual preferences. That's your business, and I really don't need the details thanks. I don't think that should have anything to do with your ability to serve.
    XDM45 likes this.
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