Fuel (The Future)

Discussion in 'General Automotive Discussion' started by XDM45, Sep 5, 2015.

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  1. clux Article Contributor Founding Member

    Seriously, Steve, what planet are you on?
    Hell I let you guys alone in the gold standard thread for 4 or 5 pages, then argued Milton Friedman with Ken for a couple of pages before I destroyed your gold standard argument single-handedly. Even then you kind of had CSJ and bird hunter on your side. It's not my fault that your team totally sucks balls.

    I went it completely alone against FTZ in the "tax dollars at work" thread. Tha's how I like it, rough.:mooning:

    Shoot, it's not even any fun when there's too many people on my side, I usually bow out.

    Sorry you feel ganged up on. Jeez I thought maybe you skin was thicker than that.

    For the record, you guys can call me any kind of a pansy assed lilly livered slam-dunkin sow sucking son of a seabiscuit nutless vagina dumb sounding flaming butthole you want, I don't care. Just don't get pissed when you get payment back in kind.

    That is all. So bring it on, you flaming vaginas!:finger:

    On edit: just don't call me a sheepherder. That's all I ask. Thank you.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2015
  2. KW5413 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    What's good for the sheep is good for the Herder.

  3. XDM45 Vet Zone Founding Member

    Again....I don't mind, clux.....I'm just saying when it happens and 2 or 3 of you are passing the ball back and forth, yeah......I might get, ummmmm.......more 'animated'.......

    Comes with the territory when you start a thread and make a position. Again.....I don't mind. I just mentioned it.

    I didn't do to much in the 'tax dollars at work' thread.....maybe I'll look at it again.

    I wanted a good night's sleep before coming back here. I'm all better now.....

    So kiss my ass.....:)
    KW5413 likes this.
  4. XDM45 Vet Zone Founding Member

    I'm over it.......WTF were we talking about again????

    Speaking of vaginas.......Didn't you say you like 'Mohair'? :cigar:
    KW5413 likes this.
  5. clux Article Contributor Founding Member

    Glad to see you're back on your medication. Had me worried there for a little bit.
    XDM45 likes this.
  6. KW5413 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    Yeah, night shift. Keys to the evidence locker.....that must be it.

    XDM45 likes this.
  7. XDM45 Vet Zone Founding Member

    You know how alcohol sometimes CAUSES this crap?

    How about quitting? I gave up 90% of my drinking a few months ago.....I feel fine.....better than ever and don't miss it.....but maybe my synapses are a little unhinged......
  8. clux Article Contributor Founding Member

    Probably all the talk about ethanol brought on a relapse of the DT's.
    XDM45 likes this.
  9. Blt4dtuff Vet Zone Founding Member

    I've heard that the corn off the plant is where the least amount of fuel comes from, the stalks and leaves are much better suited for creating fuel. I don't know how true this is, but it seems legit. If switchgrass is such a great source, why not cornstalks?
  10. XDM45 Vet Zone Founding Member

    Why not indeed......

    And of course they ALL leave a byproduct perfect for animal feed.........

    And can be grown over and over and over again.......

    Good thing about switchgrass is it can be grown if relatively poor soil also.
  11. KW5413 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    hmmm, I don't like many things with "switch" in them. Reminds me of having to cut a switch for Pa Miller....with my own pocket knife. :(
  12. clux Article Contributor Founding Member

    Primarily because the grass species being looked at (switchgrass and miscanthus) are perennial species the will yield year after year with little more than fertilizer inputs. Also corn will yield 3-8 tons/acre dry matter were the grasses are yielding 6 to 28 tons per acre dry matter depending on the location.
  13. KW5413 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    I don't think we know what the fuel of the ''out there'' future will be.

    If we don't bury ourselves first, Dino fuel will run out someday. But, that Future Fuel may not even be on the radar yet.
  14. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    That's exactly what I was going to say, but felt the thread degraded before I could, and stepped away. I don't have the solutions, the market will figure it out. Human need and a void in the market has a marvelous way of finding solutions, often completely unexpected solutions. I don't think the solution is throwing government money at it, government can't find solutions. Look at how much it costs when government puts out specs for a product they need produced. Even when government is only on one side of the equation (the buyer), prices and solutions get distorted.

    There is no incentive for finding a cost effective solution like risking your own capital. Capitalism supplies information needed to find solutions. This information is supply, demand, overhead, profitability, production costs, research costs, need, want, etc. along each step of the way.

    It's why the USSR was so unable to feed itself properly without capitalism. With artificial pricing and subsidies, there aren't signals to determine where there is too much or too little supply, how much things are going to really cost to produce, and how they should be priced to the consumer.
  15. KW5413 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    Imagine the space flight innovation that will come to pass if an alternative fuel source is found on the Moon, or Mars or some other nearby planet. If there is BIG money in it the new technology to source it will come in hard and fast.

    Space, the final frontier......

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