I really wonder a lot about people who thrash cars and trucks that they don't know how to modify

Discussion in 'General Automotive Discussion' started by Greywolf, Oct 15, 2016.

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  1. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    The 89 F 350 I own will hit 500,000 next week.
    56panelford likes this.
  2. JWC 3 TOTM Winner Founding Member

    My 73 Beetle had 408k on it when I sold it . Big bore kit and maintenance was all the work done on it . I bought it from the original owner and had all service records from new .
    My 81 Chevy had over 400 k hard work miles on it when I sold it .
    Yes ,newer cars are better ,but proper maintenance makes a difference also .
    Still using my dad's 1950 to 20 .
    56panelford likes this.
  3. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    I didn't say it was going fast, BTW :rolleyes:
  4. F350-6 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    I'd guess it's debatable, but would mostly vary on the definition of tinker. Today it might very well take a youtube video or forum to figure out how to change a headlight or a fuse, where as years ago that would have just been considered run of the mill maintenance.

    As a kid, I learned how to pull a valve cover and adjust valve lash. I doubt too many internet tinkerers are ready to start yanking valve covers at their first google.

    Then again, costs have gotten so outrageous, maybe folks really do have more courage when faced with a bill they'd rather not pay. I was reminded of that on my drive home today when I saw a guy in a little car pulled over on the side of the road with his hazards on (two lane country road). Someone had dumped 2 tires in the ditch and he was checking the tire sizes and condition to determine if it's something he should take home.
  5. OldjunkFords Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    My 84 Ranger 4x4 had close to 600K on the clock when I handed it off...............it's still running today.
    56panelford likes this.
  6. Scot Founding Member

    Twice a year there is a multi mile long garage sale nearby. The first place I hit is a used tool vendor. He goes up and buys stuff from the pawn shops in the big city because everyone just takes their stuff to the shop and has them "fix" it.

    Good thing too on all accounts considering the rate my kids lose my tools. I had 3 or 4 long 1/4" extensions. Now none.
  7. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    If you spot anything made by Craftsman or SNAPON at a garage sale - snap it up!

    They honor the warrantee to this day - it's a set of tools you only buy ONCE


    But if you are so fortunate as to find ANY TOOLS AT ALL made by "PLUMB"
    Put those away in a safe - because they are collectors items

    It's like a Frontier Double Eagle knife, the company is gone, but they were the best ever.
    I always know where my Double Eagle is, a gentlemans blade. I will never part with it
    It is in my hand right now

    I gave one up when I joined the NAVY, because we were not allowed to have weapons on us when we went to boot camp. There was a part of the whole indoctrination when we were given the chance to drop any contraband we had on us into a box - and that was when I let my first one go. I did not trust to leave it in my Poppa's house, I carried it with me to Great Lakes. BECAUSE I DID THAT I LOST IT - not knowing what it might be worth later. I should have mailed it to my Mom....

    I bet some stupid bugger got it and has it to this day, but I hope they realized it wasn't a common Buck Folder

    ~We do stupid things when we are young, because we don't know what to expect

    And why I carried a blade to boot camp I just do not know. To me it wasn't a weapon, it was a tool
    A finely crafted tool, helpful many times - stainless holds a good edge

    * A former SEABEE once told me he could walk away from civilization with a good knife, and a roll of wire - and live well.

    I trusted that advice
    It came from a good man

    But like me you now have to ask:
    What was the wire for? :sorry:

    I came around to thinking it was optional


    Etcetera, and so forth...
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2017
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