Veterans Zone Oh no another coffee thread. + coco :)

Discussion in 'Veterans Zone' started by RexB, Dec 24, 2016.

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  1. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

  2. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    Freeze a bottle of 180 grain rocket fuel in the fridge overnight. You can get 180 grain at the exchange, moonshine also works if you can get it

    BOTTOM: Make a mix of V8 juice (it HASTA be V8), jalapeno peppers (diced fine), diced garlic, powdered cumin spice, and lemon juice
    ~add other stuff that suites your fancy, like onion juice, lime, and all that....
    Put THIS in the BOTTOM of the fridge

    On the day of - mix the top with the bottom to just below the point where you can taste the alcohol
    *It is amazing how much grain alky you can hide in it - that's why we did it

    ~ and get ready for the strangest hangover of your whole life

    *This formula is TOP SECRET, and is only allowed to be shared with VETERANS

    * NOTE: "Georgia Moon" is only eighty proof. Everclear is the preferred

    Why should I be the only one who "BOMBED THEIR CLYDE" in this way?
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2017
  3. XDM45 Vet Zone Founding Member

    I'm lazy so no fancy blends or anything. I like Kirkland k-cups (Costco). But I love coconut I get those big tubs of virgin coconut oil (Costco) and put a teaspoon sized dollop into the mug. Really gives a richer taste and aroma to the java.
  4. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    Ummm sounds worth a try cuz i like both ingredients. Does that coconut oil have vitamins? It would help my RDA.

    I'm back on hot chocolate in the morning. You'll love this, i got a can with these little dehyd marshmellows in it. I gotta' read the labels better.

    That's what i thought, you laughed. Maybe snorted.

  5. F350-6 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    If we're on coffee now, I recently ordered some new fancy stuff. I heard about these guys after Starbucks vowed to hire all those immigrants over the next however long. These guys responded about how they would hire some many vets instead.

    Some coffee might be a little less politically correct than Steve's costco stuff.
  6. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Folgers Coffee and sometimes Swiss Miss mixed in, both from Costco. Hold the marshmallows please.
  7. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    I'm drinking about the same thing, Folgers (but it's 1/2 caff) and Swiss Miss for my new chocolate sweetooth. The midget marshmellows are like white-colored sugar pills. Don't know why i want to wake up today, this low pressure system sucks out the energy.

    Rain. It's about the same every Spring "When will the rain end?" Wa. governor declared a state of emergency for 28 counties mostly in the Cascades for snow slides, flooding. His promised $10 million dollars depends on a federal grant, I guess that's par for these kind of decrees.

    Seabiscuit likes this.
  8. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    We had some of that Swiss Miss with the dehydrated marshmallows for the grandkids. Grabbed a packet of it the other day by accident. I don't care what you want to do, how hot you get the coffee, how long you let them soak, those cotton picking little white pieces of junior dry honer beads are good for nothing but sand blasting.
  9. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    Is that a fairly new date on the Swiss Miss? Because those little marshmellows soften and then melt in the hot water or coffee i put em in.

    If your grandkids can stand the thought of marshmellows after breaking teeth on the dry honer beads, I bought one of those packages of mini-marshmellows for mine.


    Do you remember the Navy bug juice (cool aid)? I stayed away from it after seeing the powder is used for cleaning out the boat's sanitation tanks once a year.

    Good stuff.
  10. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Wife said she brought those packets of Swiss Miss with Marshmallows in from the Camper Pantry. That means the would probably be about 2 years old.

    As to "bug juice", "Whale Sperm" and other so called consumables issued by the US Navy....

    When I was in SERE (in California), I escaped from some of the pith helmeted - AK 47 carrying people (we were told they were actually Navy - they just didn't say WHOSE Navy) with whom myself and a several others (a couple who went on to wear tridents) did not get along with so very well.
    The reward for this daring deed and major accomplishment was a Roast Beef sandwich in a white box from the Galley....which I think must have been located in Rota Spain and shipped to FASTRAGRUPAC via the slowest row boat in the Navy inventory. (I was hungry enough by then that it didn't taste too bad - even the crunchy gooey parts with the brown bodies)
    This green, fuzzy, walk and move all on its own sandwich along with an orange (?) that was more black than orange and had more valley's and crevices than a mummy, was my impetus for getting on ComRats just as quickly and permanently as I could. (Which was pretty much automatic for my secondary NEC Codes as you probably know).
    From that day forward, anything edible issued by the US Navy was considered highly suspect and to be avoided, unless certified as edible food by 5 Marines and 10 SEALs. And then I still didn't trust it. We would get fresh steaks from the chow hall air crew kitchen to cook in the Galley on the P3. I swear to gawd they sabotaged those with either synthetic engine oil for the T56's or USED hydraulic oil!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (Something a SEAL buddy once told me...."Why do you think they taught us to live off the land?")
  11. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    We've got a store that serves two-year-old stuff too. Maybe the two stores have a supplier that belongs to a "discounted old stuff" group.

    Sometimes the SERE folks just have no sense of humor. But they got the gunbutts and are usually good at hand-to-hand. Bet you don't miss those weeks :punch:anim :swear:anim

    Swiss Miss and Folgers this morning. i might even get woke up enough to do some physical labor
    I gotta' repair my homemade forklift tines and carry deadfall to a burnpile :think:anim
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2017
  12. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Why would I ever miss the butt of an AK47, the foot of a ChiCom dressed gorilla, the Water Board, bouncing off of corrugated metal walls, curled up in a little dog house not big enough for a Chiwawa with a .50 cal going off right over the top of it from the guard shack "on the wire" on a regular basis, while digging holes & sorting the dirt out of the rocks, filling the hole with water, getting thrown into said hole full of water, mixing the rocks back into the dirt and filling said hole, repeat and going to lectures every hour on how wonderful Uncle Ho was........and who the hell would have guessed that it would be freezing and snowing in Warner Springs while my class was going through SERE?
    At least on the last morning we got half a canteen cup of watered down farina with little white worms floating in it (protein I guess). The Ensign to my port side puked, I finished his farina, and the JayGee on my starboard wouldn't even touch his. I ate his too! And that was just the last week. We can discuss how much fun the first 3 weeks were later.

    Just coffee this morning. No Coco. Coffee break now. Been running in and out trying to get some things done in the sun.

    Edit: And NO! Before anyone asks, little white worms (maggots) DO NOT taste like chicken!
  13. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    See there, you did have a good time. You had the "long one" -- some a/c, like flew on S-2 or S-3, had a two-weeker. That's whatcha' get for being "special" :rofl:anim

    Black and Bitter for me too this morning, yesterday was sunny finally, this morning it is trying to be good weather too.

    Edit: Am watching the FBI and nosuchagency heads testifying at Congress on the wiretaps, Russians etc.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2017
  14. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    One of those experiences in life that you can't say you enjoyed, but one that if you could turn the clock back, you wouldn't skip over either.
    In retrospect however, during the close & "intense", sadistic interrogation sessions, trying to convince the various sadists running the sessions that I was merely a humble mess cook who took a wrong turn, probably was not the best story I could come up with.

    Black and mild. Don't need the shakes. Going to be playing with a soldering iron, solder and some small electrical connections in a little while.

    I watched the circus.
    So far, all I've seen is Demons making stupid political statements attacking Trump in the guise of questions they full well know the FBI and "He who does not exist" can't answer. They have also gotten into information, coy or not, that would get the ordinary citizen arrest for releasing classified information and cost a military person their security clearance.

    I wished they would have skipped this nonsense and aired the SCOTUS confirmation hearing. Would have been more entertaining with the Dems making even bigger fools of themselves.
  15. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    Did you know how to cook then? That's gotta' be where S. Seagal got the idea

    i like to keep the acid levels down - Tums or eat or stop at three cups. Soldering with the caffeine shakes image is a good smiley.

    The hearings are still going on at 1pm, good info being repeated or asked. Some are making a point they know can't be answered unclas, but it's a good hearing/interview imo. I shouldn't have brought it up in da' coffee thread. I recorded the Scotus hearing on Cspan, i'll watch it later.. :)
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