Veterans Zone Oh no another coffee thread. + coco :)

Discussion in 'Veterans Zone' started by RexB, Dec 24, 2016.

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  1. captchas

    sounds like the juice my dads younger brother talked about making on the subs in ww2. only they used torpedo alcohol for the base. Al always said can't drink it straight up. you would go blind.
    moonshine wise around me the guys who make a few gals a year make it 150 proof combo of field feed corn and rye.
  2. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Long time before Seagal became a household word. I'm kind of thinking I should have sent a letter to the writers demanding some money for that part of the story line.

    In all honesty, a fellow a couple of shoulders away from me responded to the "Sgt. Major" that he was a SEAL and could take anything they could dish out. I think they interpreted that as an "invitation". He landed about 15' away and then was unceremoniously drug over to the water board....the guy next to me told them he was an A4 pilot and got bounced off of a wall several times, called a coward and a woman & baby killer and then he got the water board.

    I had to come up with something real quick so I remembered back to my "service week" and 5 days in the chow hall and started blabbing my fool head off about the technical aspects of the rotisserie mass toast maker and how many pieces of toast it could make in an hour. They were laughing so hard they just took all my clothes away and made me do 100 jumping jacks stark raving naked while yelling "exhibitionist" in phony SE Asian accents and popping blanks off in the AK's. At least it wasn't as bad as what the fellow next to me got when he tried to convince them he was told he was being sent to a Chaplains course and there was some big mistake! Do you know how funny it is to see a fellow trying to do 50 "Queen Ann's" while stark raving naked?
  3. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    Seagal Productions would have been happy to send you a percent or two of the profits. Speaking of... I haven't seen him on the sheriff patrols in Louisiana. He did good things for that law department. It never hurts to have a millionaire deputy (captain) say something like "How 'bout a couple of new patrol cars?" or "Whaddya' think - let's build a new sheriff's office."

    It's a wonder more guys don't get broken bones etc at the SERE campouts. They need to get kinder and gentler. [​IMG]#ad

    Last edited: Mar 21, 2017
  4. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Good morning out there in Coffee land. Working on cup #2.

    Will be getting new equipment installed for long range recon and AFW missions today. (Warden let me pick out a new NAV Plotter and Sonar yesterday) CHIRP Tech along with multiple frequency, standard and Hi def sonar, down imaging and side scan. Also picked up a couple of flush mount holders for fishing poles along with a transom plate. Should be ready for Anti Fish Warfare by tonight.
  5. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member


    Good mornin'. That's some hi-tech sounding sonar you've got going there. You looking for fish or submarines?
    AFW mission :rofl:anim

    My morning was not nearly as interesting. *Chirp*...*Chirp* at 4:30 this morning. Wake up, what the heck??? Oh, the smoke alarm battery is running low. I didn't change it in January. It won't stop until it has a new battery. It's dark. Raining. The cat is meowing helpfully. Go into the office and get a 9v battery. Back out to the living room and turn on the light so i can see. The lightbulb flashes and burns out. Crappola. Turn on the dining room light, unscrew the smoke detector, put in a new battery. Go back to bed. Crap. Get up, start the coffee brewing.

    Folgers b&b. Good Morning World!
  6. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    AFW = Anti Fish Warfare.........>:)anim

    Yep, Folgers. Put it on last night with a 0430 start time.
    My biggest problem is a cat who thinks she needs the electric blanket worse than I do.
  7. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    Oh yeah AFW not ASW

    Haha, that's what our cat thinks with Donna's heating pad. They wrestle for it sometimes, the cat wins. We gotta' trim his claws, he's getting stuck on the scratching post too.
  8. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    G'morning all. The sun has been trying to come out since first light. (is that redundant?)

    If your weather last night was like mine farther north, it would have been rough fishing. 10-25mph wind and rain in the Sound. Your new nav plotter and sonar is high tech, i just read up on the commercial models. The prices are great and resolution is amazing. The "CHIRP" sounds eerie when it hits the hull, it's a heckuva sonar. Hope you had a good catch, weather permitting.
  9. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Got the GO7 XSE TotalScan and Insight Maps. I have had a subscription with Navionics for map services for several years and this unit is compatible with that so I still have my 'daily' map updates (if I choose). That's kind of a marketing scam with Navionics as even the USCG - NOAA maps just don't change that often. I haven't checked much into the Insight Maps, but appears to be about the same type of deal as Navionics. Going to be more important now that Garmin has bought out DeLorme and shut down their "NetLink" connections to NOAA charts.

    Our weather sucks buttermilk! And I hate buttermilk unless it is in pancakes, waffles or biscuits! It has really put a crimp in my schedule. Been having to work under tarps. All those nice buildings to work in out at the farm and my sister has the hole set up in a state of utter chaos.

    Got some cables on 2 old sonar/plotters back pulled. One out of Seabiscuit 4 and one out of Seabiscuit 3. Got this done under canvas while the rain poured down. The one out of 3 is a 788HD ci DI (Down Imager 4 frequency) and I'm going to install it in IV at/near the fishing stations at the stern. The Simrad will go up in the 'cockpit' next to the compass I'm putting in. Got the old transducers dismounted and the transom hole opened up for the cable runs and rearrangements. Also picked up a plastic transom transducer block. Got all previous transducer mounting holes patched up and the plate put on. No more holes in the transom except for the short screws holding the plates on! I did discover that the transom has a slight curve to it so I had to split the plate. Transom Plate.jpg #ad
    Then I joined them up as close as possible and sealed them up with Gorilla Glue Marine Sealant. I did take an angle grinder to them and tapered the joint down so they are even. TotalScan Transducer.jpg #ad

    Got the Simrad TotalScan transducer mounted on the transom plate and its cable run, then got rained out. My tarp tent worked really well......until it didn't. Using the duct tape as a 'drip channel'. Works pretty well to keep water from dribbling down the hull and into the work area. Two more transducers and two head end units to get mounted yet.

    Coffee and Swiss Miss is mighty fine right now!

    Have a funeral to go to at 1300. A fellow just down the road from the farm. He was life long there, a year younger than my departed dad and a year older than my mother. He was a life long farmer and rancher and a member of the Sheriff's Posse as well as a 4-H leader for a small bore competition 4-H rifle club.
  10. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    Nice fish finder/GPS setup and charting combo you put in. That gear has come so far... it's like the undersea is a painted picture now. That's a good resolution of putting on a permanent plate for those bothersome transom holes that are drilled and patched as transducers come and go. You're about ready for some serious AFW!

    The weather here still "sucks buttermilk" too (cute phrase). It looked like we were getting a break yesterday but the rain came swooping back in. The forecast is grim for the next few days unless you're a duck, but keep telling myself this is much better than snow.

  11. captchas

    avionics! please don't bring up that subject, the Garmin G3X Touch avionics and Garmin 2-axis autopilot units in my bird are due for a software updating. that plus a 200 hour service OUCH! phone pole with out vasoline,

    0724010610.jpg #ad
  12. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    I update my old Garmin thru the desktop cmptr -- i'm not sure wifi downloads were invented when i got it. :(

    Have a good flight if the weather cooperates :)
  13. captchas

    not flying rex. i'm still grounded plus the bird became due for the early while i was stuck away, i have to get the local ap tech to do the inspections and software up dates, dig out the big check book time. i'm only light sport now. still yearlys are just that, i'm dreading next year when the 1.000 hour top end OH becomes due since we run this bird about 200 a year,
    RexB likes this.
  14. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    The very first sport sonar was that round flasher. Usually still have them on one of the screens in the MSD systems. Never have figured out just exactly what good those things were or are. Maybe that is why I was a Flight Engineer and not a Sonar Operator.

    This is the first one I've had with WiFi. My previous units have either had no update capability or I had had to bring them in and plug them into the computer. My 788ci hd di I can save the upgrade to an SD card and then take it out to the boat and update it and I can also download the data I have in memory to the SD card. They usually all reside on a shelf by the desktop computer when we aren't on the water in the boat anyway.
    Gave up on Garmin in the boat a number of years back. Garmin is so proprietary on the software it makes them expensive to keep up with. Too bad since they are made just about 30 miles from here.
    When my PN40 and PN60 give up the ghost, I'll probably end up back with Garmin for the handhelds because they bought out DeLorme and promptly discontinued the PN's and the update map library for them. The NetLink feature goes away in June of this year. They were giving their handhelds to hard of a time.
  15. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    "...dig out the big check book..." Those are bad words, hate it when that happens. Maybe there's a rich starter-pilot there to buy your plane and take on those costs. I suppose owning a plane is about as maintenance-costly as a boat. A hole in the (air/water) that sucks in money lol.

    That's no kidding about Garmin updates, the last one cost me $400. They're great units at a good price but not very billfold friendly in the long run.
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