Taking nominations for June truck of the month

Discussion in 'General Automotive Discussion' started by FTZ HAIC, May 6, 2015.

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  1. bigrigfixer Article Contributor Founding Member Canadian Chapter

    Even though I know you by your old username, it's still weird seeing the new username that I've seen on facebook for years. I like it though.
  2. KW5413 Vet Zone Texas Chapter Founding Member

    I like all of them. Hell, I WANT all of them.
  3. TeamBrahma TOTM Winner Founding Member

    It was time for a shake-up, hence the change. Doesn't mean I don't still lift weights though...lol.
    bigrigfixer likes this.
  4. bigrigfixer Article Contributor Founding Member Canadian Chapter

    Do you still have that license plate from your Explorer?
  5. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Seeing this thread reminded me of how busy June was... I completely forgot to setup TOTM! :( Will try to do that in the next couple of days, after I get over strep throat, that's been a pain the past 24 hours. My son got it, mild case... but I got it bad!
  6. TeamBrahma TOTM Winner Founding Member

    Yup, I do. It's on the Expedition at present. Oddly enough, all three trucks have vanity plates lol.
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