The Coleman Lantern Thread

Discussion in 'Other Projects' started by dustybumpers, Aug 2, 2015.

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  1. wpnaes Southwest Chapter

    Between 1930 and 1942. Very cool that these can be rebuilt and run just like new. Kinda like old Fords...

    John, here's what Warren posted on CCF:

    "Just ran across this again. Wrote it up years ago. If anyone has more info, I can update this.

    This info I've come up with over the years:

    Jan 1/1936

    457; 23lb; $13.95

    457G; 25.5lb; $14.85

    458; 20lb; $10.95

    458G; 20lb; $11.85 (why the same weight?)

    463G; (water heater with 463-399 burner); 46lb; $23.85

    457G; 35,000 BTU; (5 in burner dia, 8.5 in grate)
    460G; 50,000 BTU; (7 in Burner dia, 10 in grate)
    Both hold 2 gallons and are 15.5 in tall

    This is all speculation on my part from different catalogs, etc that I’ve seen. I’m still trying to narrow down as I can.

    In 1930 there was only one HGP. Model #5052 with stencil on the tank. They did sell individual burners at this time.

    I assume in the 1930-1942 time frame is when the 457, 458, and 460 came out and some time during the 30’s I assume they went to the paper label.

    I have a 1936 color catalog that shows the 457G and 458G and 463G (water heater) with stenciled tanks. (But 460 is not shown, but does not mean it was not made.)

    The only thing the G on an HGP # means is that it came with a grate.

    After the war, I assume 1946-mid 50’s the water slide sticker was used.

    I believe that late 50’s it changed to be called the HeatMaster and tanks became green. (I may have seen one black heatmaster, but can’t be sure.)

    I have a catalog from 10/1962 and it shows all the HGP as discontinued and they show HEATMASTER on the labels pictured. So by late 1962 they were gone. (I believe 1959 to be the last year)."

    56panelford and dustybumpers like this.
  2. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    Got a "new 2 me " lantern today
    I think I'll restore this one, as it even lights, "as found"

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    wpnaes, 56panelford and JWC 3 like this.
  3. wpnaes Southwest Chapter

    Those are great! Try to salvage the original decal.
    56panelford likes this.
  4. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    I'm going to try to leave it there, and work around it

    Decals arrived yesterday, I LOVE them!!!!
    PM me a way to send you some reimbursement
    wpnaes and 56panelford like this.
  5. wpnaes Southwest Chapter

    IMG_4589.JPG #ad
    Holy Moly, this puts out some serious heat! Who needs a campfire?
    Running rich, so still some adjustments to do.

    Last edited: Oct 18, 2016
    56panelford, dustybumpers and JWC 3 like this.
  6. wpnaes Southwest Chapter

    I was able to touch up mine.

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    dustybumpers likes this.
  7. wpnaes Southwest Chapter

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    Out camping at Camp Arnaz this weekend. Got the crusty Sears up and running, but could use some teflon tape.
    dustybumpers likes this.
  8. wpnaes Southwest Chapter

    dustybumpers likes this.
  9. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    Never saw one like that. Oh great. Something else for me to collect......LOL
  10. wpnaes Southwest Chapter

    :greedy: Sorry Charley! Plus it got relisted for $1 less. :greedy:
  11. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    Added some more to the wall
    coleman wall.JPG #ad

    Going to have to start on another wall soon.....
    JWC 3 and wpnaes like this.
  12. wpnaes Southwest Chapter

    You've come a long way baby. Great collection.
    dustybumpers likes this.
  13. dustybumpers Article Contributor Founding Member

    I think the Kero lamps are my favorite.
  14. wpnaes Southwest Chapter

    Good match.

    IMG_2954.JPG #ad
    dustybumpers likes this.
  15. Ol blue 77 super cab

    This is cool. I have collected lanterns for quite awhile. A lot of oil lanterns we use during hurricanes. Ships lanterns and of course Coleman stuff.
    I have an 80's model Coleman powerhouse with 4-mantles that worked when it went on a shelf in my little she'd just rotting away cause the Boy Scouts outlawed liquid fuel for awhile until this year they didn't realize that the propane/butane stuff freezes up in the higher alt. so just this year my old stove and lanterns got dragged out of storage for scouting . My old liquid stove ran the second I lit it without being touched for 1-year(hurry cane season) lived here long enough I dont worry about lack of power for cooking or living. My wife's an old school Texas woman and she is all into candles and lanterns .
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