Discussion in 'Veterans Zone' started by Greywolf, Apr 27, 2015.

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  1. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    It's a life.
    We did it because we wanted it.

    Kind of like a Harley Davidson, if I could explain it I wouldn't have to.
    Critter likes this.
  2. Critter Vet Zone Founding Member

    Yeah, it's like that.
  3. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    It's an A D V E N T U R E ! !
  4. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    In my case -


    ~It was a JOB!

    At a time in my life when I was jakked on...

    It gave me a fair try, without being set aside by people who could lie about what they could do.

    It was a fair playing field, and who could ask for better than that?

    I WON!
  5. IDMooseMan Vet Zone TOTM Winner

    I took the ASVAB in 1983.

    I didn't feel like mentioned it the first time, Dutch, but if the "28" was his highest score, then something must have been on his mind that day. Depending on the service, Air Force, for example, the ASVAB will give individual scores for four qualification areas, General, Administrative, Mechanical, and Electrical. Yes, that spells "GAME." No, that isn't why I joined the Air Force, but I digress.

    The following information was found at

    Using the Air Force qualification areas and his score of 28 would result in scores resembling something like these:
    General area score of G28
    3N131** Regional Band G24 or A21
    3N231** Premier Band G24 or A21
    ** These jobs require an audition

    Administrative area score of A28
    All positions in the Administrative area have a minimum score higher than G28, A28, M28 and E28

    Mechanical area score of M28
    All positions in the Mechanical area have a minimum score higher than M28
    Some positions in this area can be qualified for with a score of A28 or E28

    Electrical area score of E28
    All positions in the Electrical area have a minimum score higher than G28, A28, M28 and E28
  6. Critter Vet Zone Founding Member

    Only four areas for the AF? We have like 8. My ASVAB was 98. And GT (general) score was 135. Everything else was higher.
  7. IDMooseMan Vet Zone TOTM Winner

    Yeah, I know it sounds weird. ASVAB scores are converted for all branches so the potential enlistee can determine which branch is the best fit.

    My ASVAB scores were high enough that, when converted, I qualified for any job I wanted in all branches. It was just a matter of how long I wanted to wait. I had a guaranteed job and was on Delayed-Enlistment for four months for the Air Force. None of the other branches would guaranty a job at the time I decided to enlist. The Air Force was the fastest route for me at the time.
  8. SpringerPop Vet Zone Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Today is Armed Forces Day in the U.S.

    Be proud that you stood up when it counted, and wrote that check.

    RexB likes this.
  9. RexB Vet Zone Founding Member

    To the Armed Forces! For centuries a critical part of making our country's way in the world. To our men and women then and now who have served for their country and beliefs. More than a career. More than a paycheck. Part of a team and a nation, and greater than self. Years of duty in locations both hard and easy. To the men in deadly combat where life is uncertain. To their welcome home.

    :cheers: to the military, the veterans, and the great country that supports it.
  10. Critter Vet Zone Founding Member

    As one of the few active duty service members on here, thank you all.

    To those that have come before, thank you.
  11. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    Well said, and well done

    Samuel Clemens once wrote: "Eschew Surplussage"
    ~ I have never really known what to say when thanked

    When a ceremony is done, we go back to work or back to the barracks - or wherever.
    But we don't quit.

    ~Although sometimes it has seemed to me and my friends that it was an excellent excuse to get snot-slinging DRUNK!

    *He notes, paradoxically

    Admiral William "BULL" Halsey is on record as having said that he never trusted anyone who did not smoke or drink.
  12. IDMooseMan Vet Zone TOTM Winner

    Dutch, I just smile and say, "You're welcome. I'd do it again, too." I'm like you though, it's difficult to say something meaningful when someone says, "Thank you" to me. "You're welcome" doesn't seem to be enough, but what else is there to say. We did what we did because it needed to be done.
  13. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    While some of it was kinda tuff - most of it was at least interesting if not fascinating, and a good bit of it was just plain fun.
    Even some of the parts that I didn't think were going to be any fun at all...

    An example of that is that in the beginning and at the end running was real difficult for me. It was the main reason I finally got out at 20.
    But then there were many years in between when I could book down the road in a fine pair of track shoes holding a conversation with whoever was alongside me like we were commuting on a city bus or something. When I studied what was necessary to make the semi annual PFT easy, I managed to bring a lot of insight to the issue. As an E5 I was a gym rat, you couldn't keep me out of the place.
  14. IDMooseMan Vet Zone TOTM Winner

    Pretty much the same situation with me, Dutch, although I got out just short of 10 due to "Base Closure" and "Reduction in Force" requirements. My last year I was the Base Motorcycle Safety Coordinator at George AFB, CA. Desk job. Ugh! I quit smoking, too. Combine that with the desk job and I put on a "few extra pounds" prior to the annual fitness qualification. I passed, but holy heck! Not by much. Between that and the politics going on, it was time to leave. I'd go back in in a heartbeat, but leaving was the right decision at that time.
  15. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    People are made up of three parts, I think:
    The mind, the body, and the spirit.

    If any two of them are committed, it can drag the other along, but not as successfully as when all three are together.

    In my case - by the time I hit twenty, all three told me it was time to do something else with myself. I was slap wore out...

    My mind was still game. But my spirit had been ruined by things going on at the home front, and my body was near trashed. Who knows what might have happened if I had not married wrong

    Case of popular vote: Two out of three said GET the (F) OUT!

    I suppose another way to put it is that if your backside is on fire - how long can you keep on smiling?
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2015
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