Veterans Zone Vet Zone user group

Discussion in 'Veterans Zone' started by FTZ HAIC, May 19, 2015.

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  1. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    I never did get the hang of CSS. I gave up on webcraft around 2005
  2. Archion Vet Zone Article Contributor

    They are all different sizes on mobile safari.

    image.jpg #ad
  3. Seabiscuit Volunteer Moderator Vet Zone Vet Zone Leader Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Just getting home, very long afternoon. Looking very nice Ken.
  4. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    I tried everything I could think of last night with a mobile Safari emulator and kept coming up with the same result. I think it's something with the underlying foundation of the software, because the other bars resize as well. I'll have to file this one on the back burner as its a minor cosmetic issue. If Xenforo or the designer of this particular skin comes up with an update that fixes it I will take care of it.
    Archion likes this.
  5. FTZ HAIC Staff Member Oregon Chapter Founding Member

    Quick update, per some suggestions Vet Zone memberships are now auto-approved. We'll deal with fakes, if any, who apply in the future.
    Critter likes this.
  6. Critter Vet Zone Founding Member

    Re: Banner sizing: I always use mobile Safari. I noticed the banners are sized weird in vertical orientation but resize to even sizes in horizontal orientation. Probably something with condescending it for the vertical orientation.
  7. Archion Vet Zone Article Contributor

    No worries, just wanted to let you know. I have my own hatred of CSS...
  8. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    Couldn't be better, and the reason I say that is because it takes a load off the admins and moderators, while at the same time a poser or such would be revealed as a phony in no time. Anyone who took that route would only do so because of self esteem issues, and the exposure would hurt them far worse than just leaving it alone.

    We have never had a problem with that before, and I doubt we will. It would call for someone living in a total fantasy land.

    If I were challenged to explain what it is about a true veteran vice an imposter I could not off the top of my head explain it. We just know - and once the warning bell rings, a fake would fall to pieces. There is too much to call in that a phony could never get right.

    Duty stations
    Duties themselves
    Uniforms, and awareness of regulations...

    It's pretty complicated, and no fails are allowed - or at least none that are blatant.

    I don't think a thirteen year old kid or a crack user could pull it off.
  9. IDMooseMan Vet Zone TOTM Winner

    Dutch, if you need help with anything here, I can lend a hand. If I don't know what needs to be done, I'll find someone to ask. I clicked the link to join.
  10. Greywolf Vet Zone Staff Alumni Founding Member

    Like the security guy told me when he handed me the little white bottle at RTC:

    "YOU'RE IN"

    Jeez, I crack myself up... :giggle:anim
    Archion likes this.
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